Not Getting Enough

Missy Pinks at MrPinks.comDear Missy Pink,

I’m a 42 year old female, and as you know, when women get together, the subject most generally turns to sex.  A group of my friends came over yesterday for lunch and while listening to them, it seems like they’re having sex more often than my husband and I do, does that mean there’s something wrong with our marriage?

Not Getting Enough

Dear Not Getting Enough;

There’s nothing like good friends, a hearty lunch, a glass of wine and a discussion about sex….to really make a person feel inadequate. And I do mean that in a friendly way, it’s how the world revolves.

First of all, you’ll find that when there is a lot of boasting and bragging going on, chances are, there’s also some embellishment, not lies, just a bit of tweaking that makes what a person is saying seem a bit more interesting. So, if you have a friend telling you she and her significant other are still wrinkling the sheets 3 times a day…take it with a grain of salt, smile to yourself and know that there may be a different total of temptation.

Secondly, sex, or making love, is a sign of affection, attraction, and intimacy, but so is opening a door for your wife, pushing her chair in for her, lighting a cigarette and showing respect and adoration when out in public, the same as when in private. There are many factors that can lead to fornication, or not, there is no official book of rules that says a couple must have intercourse “x” amount of times per week, or their relationship is on the rocks. Instead of measuring your hardcore interludes by what your friends say, ask yourself, and your husband, are you having enough to satisfy the both of you. Everyone is an individual.

Lifestyle plays into the pleasure, how busy are you both through the week, maybe weekends are the only time you can truly relax and feel your personal desires without work, family, and every day drama remaining at the forefront of your mind, and if that’s the case, then you may not be having quantity in your love life, but you’re having quality. Talk to your husband, if you and he both would enjoy sharing intimacy more often, then grab the opportunities as they arise, nothing says it always has to involve dinner, candles, and hours of foreplay, you can feel just as close during those animalistic quickies, it’s all in how you meld together. If you’ve got 20 minutes to yourselves before the school bus arrives, drop your apron and let the seduction begin! Sometimes it’s those quick, kinky sessions that will re-ignite those fires, which will lead to the longer episodes, maybe some role-playing and romance, but never count out the dirty side of it too, you’ll be surprised at the heat.

Relationships are about balance, find the place you’re both comfortable and then make it happen. Emotions can run high whether he’s hard or not, so be yourselves, don’t worry about what others have to say. Any day is a good day for introducing your bodies to one another again, but do it without peer pressure, be individuals and be naughty!

Missy Pink

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Small Shaft Dude

Missy Pinks at MrPinks.comMissy Pink;

I’m nearly 37 years old, and I’ve only been with two women. Everyone says I’m handsome, I work out, have plenty of muscles, I’m more than financially stable, but, my penis size is only 4 1/2″ when totally erect. I’m ashamed, so, I avoid being with women or showering in locker rooms, knowing I’ll be humiliated. I need confidence, and inches!

Small Shaft Dude

Dear Small Shaft Dude;

First of all, let me say, there’s nothing written in stone as to a perfect size for the male penis. There are many more things that go into the attraction phase of a relationship than how far “Willy” will stretch for his target.  Yes, there are men out there with appendages that hang long and thick, and you always hear of women breaking out in a sweat when seeing their huge size, but, did you ever think that sweat may be from fear and not excitement?

Women enjoy being satisfied, but, with something very large in size, at times it’s painful more than pleasurable, too much emphasis is put on how great a man is by his manhood. You say you’re handsome, physically and financially fit, but even those qualities hold great importance in the more shallow minds. Get in touch with the kindness in your heart, the treating your girlfriend like a queen, honesty, and fidelity, those are just as stimulating as the size of your cock.

Do research on the many different sexual positions, there are ways to make 4 ½” feel like a foot when utilized correctly. Incorporate things into your foreplay that will pleasure you both, such as toys, oils, massages, and of course having a talented tongue will definitely go a long way in those lust filled moments. When a couple has mutual respect, and emotions for one another, it’s not what you’re packing in your pants in the bedroom, it’s what you display when in public. Be the man of her dreams, stop worrying about the man in her wet dreams.

As for the locker room, wrap a towel around your mid-section and let your buddies wonder how much you have hanging, no one says you have to make your privates… public. Be who you are, be proud of what you have, the rest will fall into place, possibly in a missionary style position??

Missy Pink

Timing Out

Missy Pinks at MrPinks.comDear Missy Pink,

What is a normal length of time for sex to last?

Timing Out

Dear Timing Out;

Hmmm, it sounds to me like someone may be cocked and loaded before your girlfriend/wife has even put one into the chamber? I’m happy to report, there’s no strict standard of length when it comes to lust, no one has ever said, “It must last this long or you’re not doing it right.” Sex fits moods and personalities, there are times when a quickie in the front seat of the car, parked along an abandoned road may feel like the best sex you’ve ever had, and, there will be other times when a marathon moisture session will make you feel more intimate and personally closer than you ever have with your significant other.

I noticed in your, “to the point” question, you used the word, “sex.” Let’s not forget, there truly is a difference between making love and having sex, and depending on the moods I mentioned, both can work wonderfully in a mutual agreement of arousal. Being animalistic in the form of sex is great, it unleashes the passion, the stress of the day, the buildup of bodily fluids, all in an unbridled form of fornication. When making love, it’s about the entire experience, the look across the room, holding of hands, communication, a long foreplay, the gentle side of pleasure until orgasms are complete, and yes, that does mean for you and your partner, along with a little cuddling and pillow talk afterwards.

Let the moment rule, not your erection, listen to your partner with more than just your ears, and when your mutual hormones come together, it’s all about the timing of when, not of how long.

Missy Pink

Wardrobe Malfunction

Missy Pinks at MrPinks.comDear Missy Pink,

I might be a bit old to be writing to you, but would appreciate your advice. I’m 53 years old, have been employed with the same company for nearly 30 years. I’ve worked my way up the ladder and felt the stress of having the responsibility and what feels like the weight of the world on my shoulders every day for so long, I’ve tried everything to de-stress after a long day. I finally found what does it.

My wife is involved with many clubs and volunteer services, meaning her evenings are normally filled with one activity or another, leaving me with the house to myself. One night, I was bored, trying to think of anything but work and noticed a pair of her panties folded in the laundry basket. I’m not sure what drove me to do it, but I tried them on. The second the silkiness touched my genitalia, it was like a soothing effect unlike anything I’d ever experienced. I wore them around the house, watched TV, had a cold beer, even did some office work while wearing them, and it felt wonderful. Over the last couple of years I’ve now begun wearing her panties, bras, skirts and blouses. It’s hard to express – but, when I take off my work suit and slip into those comfortable, knit, cotton or silk items, it’s as if the world can’t get to me, I’m relaxed.

I’ve never told my wife, even though I’ve wanted to, thinking how nice it would be to share this, especially so I could feel this comfort on the nights she’s home, I truly miss the freedom when not able to fill those few hours with a refreshing style. I don’t think I’m actually a cross-dresser, and I’ve never really had gay thoughts, I’m not sure what I am.

Wardrobe Malfunction

Dear Wardrobe Malfunction;

First of all, take a deep breath. Enjoying the feel of feminine clothing against your body does not insinuate that you’re gay or anything else, it just means you’ve found what we women have known for quite some time, now and then, female attire can be liberating. There’s nothing like spending a rainy weekend afternoon in just panties and a sports-bra, it is as you said, very comfortable. Yes, there are times when donning the hosiery, high heels and office attire suits can be binding and a nuisance, leaving us hardly able to wait to get home, just to shed the layers and utter a sigh of relief.

For anyone that has a high powered job, loaded with responsibilities, there needs to be an outlet, something to keep the balance to save sanity. In your case, I think it may be a combination of a couple things, the first one being, the comfort itself of the clothing, your weighed down all day by shirt and tie, so, to sleep into a non-confining skirt and soft bra, it’s like a breath of fresh air. And, there’s also the thought of it being almost liberating for you. When you drop the boxer shorts and slip into the silk panties, you don’t feel like the worrier of the world’s best interest any more, you lose yourself into a new persona, and when you don’t feel like….you, then you don’t have all of the issues that normally fill your mind.

You know your wife better than anyone, if you feel she would understand, then by all means, share with her, that’s what marriage, any type of binding relationship is all about. If you’re afraid she would not understand and it would create a riff, then bide your time, there will come a day when you can share. I just don’t recommend allowing her to find out by walking in on you dressed as her sister, it might not be understood at all in a scenario such as that.

Also, toss those thoughts of thinking you’re a cross-dresser, or being gay out of your mind, this is merely your way of venting and kudos to you for finding an outlet. It might help a bit more if you were to do some shopping for yourself, you’re relying on your wife’s style, go to the store, pick out something pretty and comfortable just for you. My advice would be….always get control top panty hose, and black is slimming!