Blabber-Mouth – Missy Pink’s Sex Advice

Missy Pinks at MrPinks.comMissy Pink,

Being a woman, you may understand my actions and help me to calm my husband down. I have two best friends, we talk about everything, including our sex lives. I just happened to make a comment in passing the other evening to my husband about the intimate talks with my gal pals, and he was more upset than I’ve ever seen him. He’s not touched me physically since, says he doesn’t know if he ever can again, the only thing I’m getting is the cold shoulder.


Dear Blabber Mouth;

You’re right in one respect, being a woman, I do understand you sharing those private details with your best friends over a bag of Oreo’s and a diet soft drink, it’s an easy thing for females to do. We talk, about everything, to gain insight, to brag, and at times, just to hear ourselves say things aloud, but this time it may have back-fired.

Chances are, you’ve been speaking of what goes on between the sheets with your confidants for quite a long time, which makes me wonder why now you had a slip of the tongue. Maybe to see what his reaction would be, or maybe just a subconscious way of letting him know he’s being graded by your girlfriends. Either way, sometimes silence really is golden.

Just a simple, “Girls do this all the time,” is not going to suffice, in fact, it will probably make him angrier and more hurt, because as his wife, he probably expected something more from you and now he feels betrayed. Part of that is male ego, the other is the unspoken bond of believing what happens in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom. So, yes, I can understand his pain to a point.

Nothing short of groveling is going to restore his libido at this point, I’m talking all the tears you can muster, and the most sincere expression as you promise it will never happen again. Will your fingers be crossed behind your back when you make that promise? Only you will know the answer. It may take a bit of time, but he should begin to soften around the edges a bit and hopefully work his way around to total forgiveness, that’s his way of smacking your fingers for misbehaving. If he doesn’t accept your apology and goes on with holding back on the boner, well, then it could be his own pride may be the only thing keeping him company on these cold, wintry nights. Prove to him you’re genuinely sorry, then let him work it through the rest of the way on his own, if he never does find the path back to the bedroom, then something tells me the only thing he’ll be heating up will be TV dinners, because there are times when women will be women, you don’t always understand us, but you’re still welcome to love us!

Dry and Disappointed – Missy Pink’s Sex Advice

Missy Pinks at MrPinks.comMissy Pink,

I’m beginning to wonder how many people share the same bed as me and my boyfriend. He’s wonderful and perfect in all areas, except the sexual part. He has a habit of comparing me to his past lovers all the time, just because I don’t always have an orgasm, telling me it must be me, he never had a problem with any other woman, I’m feeling like I’m not good enough for him.

Dry and Disappointed

Dear Dry and Disappointed;

You said your boyfriend is perfect in all areas except sex, but, in my opinion, he’s definitely lacking certain attributes and they happen to show at that particular time. In the first place, if he, and other men for that matter understood that not every woman in the world has the same make-up when it comes to receiving pleasure, the world would be much better off in the bedroom.

Believe it or not, there are actually women that find it nearly impossible to climax at all, and I’m not just talking about during intercourse only. Each female, and male are an individual, and maybe it’s time you find someone that is a bit more understanding and wise in the ways of how a relationship works. There’s a reason why so much conversation revolves around women faking orgasms, and if you’re trying to save your boyfriend’s ego, or live up to the ghosts of girlfriend’s past, then by all means, breathe a little harder, toss a throaty moan in here and there, lift your pelvic area and make him feel as though a rush of estrogen filled juices are flowing over his male member, he’ll roll over, start snoring and have sweet dreams…thinking he’s the stud of saturated sheets. Chances are, that’s what many of his ex’s did as well, so he’s not as good as he thinks.

So what if foreplay takes a little longer, what if his tongue needs to work a bit faster on your clit, or maybe an extra few minutes for passionate kissing is called for, when you care about someone, you want them to be satisfied, not under a pretense, but rather reality. Many times women seem to get the short end of the stick (pun intended) when it comes to assuring our needs are met, if not, there wouldn’t be such a high surge in battery sales!

Chances are, he’s handsome, makes a great conversation piece between you and your gal pals, and maybe brings you flowers now and then, but there’s more than that – that will make him a keeper.  If his past lovers have faked orgasms to keep him in the love nest, then he probably believes he’s every woman’s answer to satisfaction, so, in order to keep his batting average high, he’s going to make you feel inadequate. Do not let this happen! There’s nothing wrong with you, and in no way should you ever be compared to anyone’s previous conquest, that says volumes for your boyfriend, and none of it equals an adjective of, “perfect,” as you used.

Think long and hard about sharing your bed with others from your boyfriend’s memory, or, if you can handle things as they are now, then at least assure yourself they aren’t lying there smoking a cigarette with a big smile on their face, they probably still have an ache in their loins and wonder what the hot, next door neighbor might be doing in the morning. Stick to your guns, educate him, if he still refuses to think the problem might be his approach, then you have to decide what’s more important. Never be judged, never be made to feel like you’re second best, and never be unhappy to keep him living a fantasy. Instead of being dry and disappointed, find the person that makes sure you’re wet and satisfied. Comparisons work between apples and oranges, but even fruit will spoil and needs to be tossed out now and then!

Speechless – Missy Pink’s Sex Advice

Missy Pinks at MrPinks.comMissy Pink,

I always heard honesty was the best policy, but when my wife asked if we could do something different in the bedroom to spice it up, I said, yeah, talk dirty to me! Now she thinks I’m some sort of sex freak and won’t talk to me at all!


Dear Speechless;

First of all, you’ve heard right, honesty is the best policy, it just doesn’t go on to explain how it will be perceived in many situations, and in yours, it sounds as if it wasn’t perceived well.

The fact your wife isn’t speaking to you at all now doesn’t mean it’s from pure anger, she may just be mulling over your suggestion and trying to come to grips with it in her own way. We have to remember, what may be a turn on for one person is frightening to another. Yes, frightening. Depending on how your wife was raised, and what her beliefs are, she may see your love-making sessions as being more sensual than sexual, and by you wanting her to talk dirty, it throws a fetish spin on things that she may not feel comfortable with, and that does not mean she’s completely against it, but, like anything new, it takes some getting accustom to.

She probably had the immediate thought of slinging four-letter words through the darkness of your bedroom, making her feel cheap, and at the same time, knowing that it would be exciting for you has possibly caused her to look at you differently. It seems a situation like this calls for steps of approach, the first being, opening the communication again, normal talking around the dinner table, it’s easier to say, “Pass the potatoes,” than to shout, “Fuck me hard!” Buy flowers, send her candy, find a nice card, soothe her ravaged soul to begin with. Once things are back to normal, she’ll probably approach you about the reply to her question, this is where you should handle things with with caution, don’t rush into anything.

Explain to her that when she asked the question, because you love her and feel as though she’s your best friend, you had no qualms about disclosing something a bit different to spice things up, but that you apologize for being so blunt. Tell her you wish you’d expressed it as sharing conversation while making love, such as, being vocal about what you’re doing and when. Example; “I’m going to unbutton your blouse now and feel the softness of your skin under my fingers.” There’s nothing dirty and disgusting about that, just alluring. Explain that maybe it would be better if she was the one to hear the things rather than rushing into saying them. By all means, assure her you didn’t mean hardcore four letter words. Something tells me if the playfulness begins in a softcore manner, they may very well lead into the spiciness that you’re hoping for.

Remind her that she is the only woman that turns you on, and to hear her voice while being passionate was merely meant to stimulate another of your senses, you didn’t mean for it to come out disgusting or disgraceful, but only if it would excite her as well.

Blow or No – Missy Pink’s Sex Advice

Missy Pinks at MrPinks.comMissy Pink,

I’m tired of my sex life being one sided! I’m 32, married to a 35 yr old male, and I’m growing weary of his selfish ways. H e always tells me that he can’t have intercourse unless I’ve gone down on him for awhile first, says that’s what leads up to the excitement. Ok, I do it, I don’t mind, but he never returns the favor for me, he says to do that to a woman is not natural! If I refuse to give him oral sex, he refuses sex all together. I’m disgusted with the double standards, can you help me?

– Blow or No

Dear Blow or No;

I can understand your frustration, and in many relationships there is a double standard as you call it, whether be intentional or unintentional, it still exists and will create barriers in more than the bedroom.

Working for many years in the adult field, I’ve heard things that have shocked and enlightened, me, maybe I can pass on some of what I’ve learned to help you.  Some people, male and female alike, see oral sex as being something dirty and disgusting, stretching back to their youth when one of the things they heard their parents say the most, “Don’t put that in your mouth, you don’t know where it’s been!” It creates a stigma, which means when there’s love and lust between two people, sometimes you need to find a way to break it.

If you know the evening is going to turn romantic, add extra foreplay in the form of showering together. Let him see for himself just how clean you are in the lower region, allow him to lather his fingers and slide through your vaginal area, giving him the control of knowing he’s cleaning you as well. This may help “wash away” some of his inhibitions. Take your time, don’t expect one night to revert him into being a horny hound for apply tongue to pussy action. Patience truly is a virtue, even in sex. While you’re licking and sucking on him, gradually work your body over onto his, placing yourself into a 69 position, show him being close means it won’t bite, and there’s nothing to be stand-offish about. Ask him to rub your clit, insert a finger, allow him to get accustom to the womanly scent, view, and offering of hopefully wanting to then lick you.

Reassure him you’re not asking that he dive in shoulder deep, even some tip of the tongue directly onto the clit would be appreciated. Get a little kinky, bring strawberries, chocolate syrup, etc. to the bedroom, but it into your vaginal area, he may want to lap up the taste of temptation. The main goal is to remain open in your discussions, don’t put pressure, don’t refuse to give him his pre-intercourse blowjob, but rather, talk a little dirty when telling him how good it would feel to you. Make it light and playful, you don’t want to push him further away.

Some men, and women see oral sex as another branch of a stronger intimacy when making love and they immediately put up walls, for some reason it’s a psychological reaction that is very real to them, and very frustrating to their partner.

Anything worth fine tuning is worth investing the time into, so, if you want foreplay to work like a well oiled machine, go slow and allow the building of mutual pleasure between the two of you. Given the right attention and approach, you may be surprised at how often you see the top of your husband’s head….between your thighs!