Dampness Needed

Missy Pinks at MrPinks.comDear Missy Pink,

My wife and I are both in our early 50’s, we’ve been married since shortly out of college. We’ve always been very physically attracted to one another, but it seems the last few years our sexual encounters have dropped to us going months at a time without physical contact. When we do share romantic moments, I’ve noticed we now have to use an artificial lubricant, that’s something we’ve never done before. I’m beginning to think I don’t excite her anymore, and I don’t want her having an affair.

Dampness Needed

Dear Dampness;

I can understand why your mind would begin roaming to the fear of not being attractive and thinking your wife may begin looking elsewhere, it’s human nature, but, I really don’t think it’s a concern that’s backed up by what the Mrs. is missing.

It sounds as if you and your wife have been together for a long time, you know her well, as she does you, but, there is also that nasty interference of, you’re a man, she’s a woman. As a woman, hormonal changes can create all types of, “This has never happened before” scenarios. Maybe she doesn’t feel pretty within herself, so she may not feel as though she’s attractive to you, hence, the cause for large spans of time between the bedroom boner sessions, as for her moisture not being as abundant as it once was, that too is definitely a change of life that leaves a woman feeling high and dry.

Make the lubricant your friend, don’t fear it, smear it! As you get older, do what it takes to keep those erotic moments flowing. If you’d rather go for the more natural approach, spend a little extra time between her thighs with oral sex pleasures, there’s nothing like good old fashioned spit to dampen the clit, and all of those areas between! Let her know she’s still beautiful, appealing and attractive to you, make her feel womanly and she’ll allow her feminine charms to ring loudly again. Be bold, kiss her neck, hold her hand, rub her breast when she’s doing the dishes, lift her skirt and slide your hand up her thighs, be playful and be an exhibitionist, letting her view your erection tells her she does indeed still turn you on!

Don’t let Father Time step all over your sex life, just lend Mother Nature a hand where needed and you may find yourself hitting those cool sheets multiple times a week!

Left High and Dry

Missy Pinks at MrPinks.comDear Missy Pink,

Our daughter just moved out of the house for college, my wife is suffering from the empty nest syndrome, as well as no sex drive! I have wined and dined her, only to be told that she’s 40 years old now, those days of hot wild sex are a thing of the past. I’m not ready to put it behind me yet, maybe a woman’s point of view can help me over this horny hurdle?
Left High and Dry

Dear Dry;
Well, I have good news and not so good news for you, depending on how you look at it. The positive being, you’re not the only man that suffers from a lack of lust in the bedroom over this very issue, and the more negative angle stems from the fact it may take some work on your part to help her overcome….to cum.

Many times women basically leave their life behind as they bring a family into the world, they become a cook, housekeeper, doctor, financial wizard, and everything but a youthful, seductive woman. The causes soon take over and then suddenly when everyone is grown and gone, they don’t know what to do with themselves, they feel old and will act accordingly.

Your job, should you choose to accept it, bring back that wild tigress that slid across your sheets many years ago, with thighs open and eyes twinkling at the prospect of hot, hardcore sex with you. Sometimes marriage can put a damper on the excitement, suddenly you’re in bed with a relative. Take plenty of time with foreplay, not just the touching of her body, but the stroking of her mind as well. Tell her how much she turns you on, bring her flowers, share pillow talk, show her the advantages of having the house all to yourselves, make her realize you are turned on by being married to a MILF.

Make your moans loud, let actions speak louder than words. When the lights go off, turn the charm on. Hold back on your own masculine desires until she experiences multiple orgasms, she will indeed feel like not just A woman, but YOUR woman again, and she will be eager to feel you penetrating the area that will join your bodies and hearts.

Oh, and as a gentlemanly gesture, you be the one to get up and get a warm washcloth, bring it to her and then slide it up the inside of her thighs slowly…who knows, the terrycloth temptation may have her in the mood for round 2!

Sickened By Show-Offs

Missy Pinks at MrPinks.comDear Missy Pink;

I’m sure you hear a lot of odd questions coming across your desk, but I have an issue that has me at my wits end trying to figure out how to handle it. I’ve always considered myself to be normal when it comes to sexual excitement, not always strictly vanilla, but, I don’t teeter over too far into fetish things, they just don’t excite me, but, my husband is another story. We live in a very nice apartment complex, on the third floor, and there is a circle courtyard layout that has another building wrapping around directly across from us. There’s a couple that moved in about 6 months ago, about our age and very free with their sexual expressions, to the point of leaving lights on and curtains open when they have wild sexual times. I’m not a prude, and the first time we noticed them from our bedroom window, I watched right along with my husband, mostly because it’s not something you see every day, it gave that taboo, kinky sort of excitement, but then, after a few minutes I tired of it, and after multiple times a week having it happen, I was pretty much disgusted by it. My husband however has become obsessed with watching them, he’s actually re-arranged our bedroom furniture so the view takes no effort for him, and as soon as the clock chimes at 9pm, he leaves me in the living room to go spend time being a peeping-tom. Of course I’m getting plenty of sex now myself, which I’m not complaining about, but, it seems the only time he can be intimate with me, is while watching them, if I tell him I think it’s gross and I don’t get turned on like he does, he tells me to go back and watch TV in the other room, he’ll just jack-off.  It seems like this couple’s display of being exhibitionists is all he thinks about, and quite frankly, I’m becoming worried, does he have a serious problem?

Sickened By Show-Offs

Dear Sickened;

Well, it does indeed seem like you have a bit of a problem on your hands. First of all, let’s look at this logically, if you’re going to have someone putting on a display of public sex, being exhibitionist as you so correctly labeled them to be, probably 90% of the population would stop and watch. Sort of like an accident – you don’t want to see it, but you can’t take your eyes away from it either. You are of a more strict nature with your desires, since you watched for awhile, found it intriguing and enjoyed the fetish aspect, but then you were happy with life as it’s always been, and you didn’t need to watch the neighbors doing the mattress mambo to put you in the mood for dancing.

You could always go visit the neighbors, maybe bake some muffins and ask them to keep their biscuits covered at night, but, chances are, that will just alienate them and anger them, feeling as though their right to be free is being jeopardized, which could lead to either some bad neighborly situations, or, they may become even more wild in their sexual displays. Granted, consideration on their part should be taken, but at the same time, they’re paying their rent, the same as everyone else, and they are living life as they enjoy it.

You’re actually dealing with two issues here, the first being, they are indeed exhibitionists, and the second being, your husband has discovered his voyeur side and it’s in full bloom. If he only wants to have sex with you, when the neighbors are having sex with one another, well, that tells me you’d better stock up on lotion, because I don’t think you’re going to be offering him any lubrication any time soon. To move the bedroom furniture as you said he’s done, in order to have the best, non restricting view, yes, he’s drawn in deeply. I wonder what will happen when their lease expires, if they happen to move, where is that going to leave your mate? There will be a void that he’s going to ache to have filled in some means or manner. He’s hooked, and like a lot of other things that can become an addiction, he’ll need his fornicating fix, and this may create some deeper marital issues than the one you’re facing now.

This has seemingly gone past the point of playful peeping, it’s now become a consuming need for your spouse. Your union is being affected by his voyeurism fetish. I really think if there’s a way to mention it, with tact to your neighbors, that would be a good beginning. I wouldn’t reveal your husband’s response to their romping in plain view, I would just politely say that whether they’re aware of it or not, their bedroom is directly across from yours, and you didn’t want them to be ashamed for the fact they can be seen. Maybe they honestly believe being three floors up, there would be no cause to hide anything, and if you approach it in that manner, they might think you’re doing it as a favor to them. As for your husband, you really need to have a heart to hard-on discussion with him, let him know his actions have exceeded what you feel is normal and you’re worried about him and your marriage. If there’s still a shred of decency within him, he’ll hear you, understand and act upon your concerns, if not, then you might want to recommend talking with a professional. That may seem a bit drastic, but, as I said, I’m a little concerned about how this may escalade.  By all means, keep a logical head in dealing with it, don’t let your emotions run away with you, and please, please, whatever you do, don’t buy your husband binoculars for his birthday!

Pubes On My Privates

Missy Pinks at MrPinks.comDear Missy Pink;

I have a question that maybe a few other guys out there would like to ask. My girlfriend keeps her pussy shaved, which I get so turned on by, and I’m glad she does it. But, every time we shower together, she wants to take a razor to my balls and pubic area, telling me she wants to see me as bare, down there, as she is. I always find a way to avoid the act, usually by making love to her under the water, even though I realize, the next time will be the same thing. I really want to make her as happy as she makes me, but, the thought of shaving my privates doesn’t really excite me, I’m not sure what has me avoiding it, but, I do. Should I just tell her once and for all “No,” or, should I consider doing it?

Pubes On My Privates

Dear Pubes;

Being a little bit older, I remember the time when nearly everyone still had all of their hair intact, that’s just the way it was. Suddenly the disposable razors were sliding across those nether regions and leaving the skin silky smooth, well, ok, maybe a few red bumps here and there for the first few times, and a new fad had been born. It amazes me how to find a woman (or man) that is still furry, is considered a fetish now.

This topic definitely bridges between genders. Think about the fact that as soon as we were old enough and had permission from our Mom to do so, we began shaving our legs and under our arms, we couldn’t wait to do it, it was like a milestone into being grown up and womanly. There was something so invigorating about it, and to this day, I still enjoy rubbing lotion over my smooth legs, it’s just an arousing feeling. Since we were basically raised with the belief that hair be gone was the best way to go, it was only natural to keep that razor sliding to whisk away all whiskers, including the pubic area. Speaking as a woman, there’s a cleanliness that goes with it that makes us feel as if we’re fresher to offer you men….your midnight snack.

If you remember performing oral sex to the full, hairy state of your partner’s vagina, you’ll recall having to nearly part the hair to get to the chewy center, well, it’s the same for us. Men enjoy the deepthroat action when being blown, but there’s something about having our face in the midst of a forest of follicles that can sometimes be disappointing to us. There’s nothing worse than being totally in the mood, happy to give the blowjob, only to feel a curly hair sliding across our tongue, heading down our throat…in fact, that may be where spitting instead of swallowing began!

What may be causing you to avoid shaving are a couple of things, maybe your buddies will notice while you’re in the locker room and give you a bit of buddy teasing about your bare testicles, or, could it be the thought of the itching sensation when it starts to grow back that will leave you wanting to find secluded areas to slip into for a quick scratch. Well, whatever the cause, keep in mind, that if you don’t like it, it will again become your boner bush you’ve grown fond of, and the itching may just be a bit of a turn on through the day, after all, any sensation in that area can bring an erection for most guys. Who knows, you might just like the look and feel of it, and if that’s the case, it will give you and your girlfriend another act of intimacy to share, shaving one another can be a major turn on.

So, warm up the lather, grab a new razor and by all means, make sure your hands aren’t trembling!!

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