Boobiest Oscars Ever!

Anne Hathaway's tits

This past Sunday, The 85th Academy Awards celebrated the efforts of filmmakers, business people, and performers and the films we loved throughout the year. Daniel Day-Lewis won another Oscar and that foxy Hunger Games chick won her first (at just 22-years-old!), but the real winners weren’t filling the Dolby Theater in Hollywood, they were the heterosexual men watching at home.

Even before first-time (and last-time) host Seth MacFarlance belted out an instantly loathed song about seeing the breasts of female actresses on the big screen, naming names and titles with aggressive glee, boobs were the talk of the red carpet. Winner of Best Supporting Actress, Les Misérables’ Anne Hathaway, waltzed into the ceremony (and all the pomp and circumstance that surrounds it) with nipples blazing bright. Dubbed “Les Nipplerables” by the hash-taggers of Twitter, Hathaway’s perkiness distracted, at least, from that horrific hairstyle she seemingly dropped onto her head from a great height. Bonus!

Anne Hathaway

Gawker has the full video compilation of every crude, offensive, sexist, racist, and otherwise questionable joke MacFarlane made during his hosting gig, but if you just want to see the best advertising (42 million viewers!) Mr. Skin never paid for, a performance Salon has called a celebration of misogyny (among other things), the infamous We Saw Your Boobs song, well, here you go:

The OC: A New Porn Mecca

ocweeklyThe San Fernando Valley might be known throughout the world as the home of hardcore porn, but it seems a new challenger has appeared – and it’s only a short jump across LA County. Orange County, home to the Crystal Cathedral, UC Irvine’s huge student population, Disneyland, Gwen Stefani, and that TV show everyone would like to forget, is also the birthplace of many of adult entertainment’s most highly lauded performers: Jenna Haze, Tasha Reign, and Eva Angelina, to name a few.

In its current issue, the annual Sex Issue, OC Weekly has ranked the 20 most accomplished Orange County-based “entreporneurs” from yesterday and today, and editors even allowed the former Laguna Beach star Tasha Reign to grace the publication’s cover.

From Huntington Beach harlots Eva Angelina, Candy Apples, and Jenna Jameson to well-equipped OC residents Peter North, Billy Glide, and Michael Brandon to the most infamous crossover pornstar of the last ten years, Nadya “Octomom” Suleman, it seems Orange County isn’t as conservative and God-fearing as many of its residents would like to pretend it is.

The annual Sex Issue of OC Weekly is freely available throughout Orange County now and ‘America’s Porn Paradise’ can now be read (and ogled) in full online. Still, nothing beats a free bathroom poster of the OC porn industry’s proudest offpsring, writer/director/producer/performer/TV star/Penthouse Pet/UCLA student, Tasha Reign, right?

PornHub Denied Super Bowl Ad Spot

PornHubTry as they might to gain mainstream acceptance, many adult industry entities find themselves blocked at every turn, including, not surprisingly, the most-watched television event of the year: Super Bowl XLVII.

Ok, so it might be hard to believe any porn company, website or otherwise, would manage to have a commercial aired on national television under any circumstances, let alone during the Super Bowl, but PornHub insisted on trying, only to find their submission rejected by CBS. If you’ve seen the relatively harmless ad, you might wonder “But why? It’s just a fully-clothed elderly couple sitting on a bench gazing lovingly at each other over a gentle piano score. What’s wrong with that?” The reason given by CBS is as follows: “CBS Television Network Standards do not permit advertising related to pornography. Therefore, we cannot accept your submission.” Sounds simple and clear enough, doesn’t it? Could it be, though, that PornHub knew they’d be rejected regardless of the actual content of their submission and cobbled together as inoffensive an ad as possible just to point out how prudish network television advertising really is? The cynic in me say “No shit, Sherlock,” while the other Mr. Pink, the valiant warrior fighting for justice and equality for porn, its purveyors, its performers, and its patrons… well, he also agrees.

If you care to, you can vote on whether or not you find the commercial, which has been removed from public availability by YouTube, worthy of Super Bowl airtime. Not surprisingly, most folks are voting in support of the spot. Where do you stand on this vitally important issue facing America today?