Joanna Angel, queen bee of renegades Burning Angel, has ditched her Brooklyn buddies, turned her nose up at Hollywood, and has fled to the Great White North. That’s right, canucks, the pink-haired, heavily-tattooed assfucking fanatic herself is heading your way and not for the reasons you might suspect. (No, she’s not an obsessed Tim Horton’s fan or emigrating to our northern neighbor.) Appearing live all this weekend at Shock Stock, Canada’s newest horror convention, Joanna will be signing copies of her black-and-white pornographic throwback to classic horror movies, Fuckenstein, and yakkin’ it up with fans from her very own booth on the convention floor, and doing what she does best, selling her unique brand of hardcore fuck movies. Hell, she’s even putting on a dance performance late on Saturday night that’s bound to be a must-see!
Be warned, though: you’ll not only have to shrug off a throng of amped-up horror fans ogling and angling at a chance to flirt (or at least clumsily attempt to flirt) with Joanna Angel, you’ll have to beat horror and blaxploitation legend Fred “The Hammer” Williamson to the proverbial punch, too.
Shock Stock takes place April 13th through 15th at Centennial Hall in London, Ontario. For more information, the full guest list, and to purchase tickets visit