Live! Pink’s! Cams!

Pornography has changed a huge amount in the past twenty-odd years. One of the most notable differences between today and earlier eras of erotic entertainment is the rise of the live performer. No, not strippers. Not exactly. Broadcasting through the Internet from the privacy of their bedrooms, bathrooms, dorms, parents’ houses, and publicly parked vehicles, live webcam performers are no longer porno industry outsiders: they’re bona fide superstars.


Here at Mr. Pink’s we’ve long been fans of live webcam broadcasts, keeping a running list of our favorite cam girls for future blog posts and critiquing the finest and most fail-prone cam sites in existence. Now, though, we enter a new phase of buoying up the booming live online sex show industry with the launch of LivePinks, a curated collection of live webcam feeds featuring some of our personal favorites. Supported by the popular LiveJasmin platform, LivePinks covers a wide range of styles and sexual activities, including those of Alisson Hadid, Hanna Turner, Jessica Mendoza, Briana Shaw, Kaisy Prince, and Keily Jones. We’ll be further developing our latest celebration of porn’s expanding universe and exploding possibilities over the coming months. For the time being, why not mosey on over to LivePinks and spend a few minutes getting to know one of the nearly 2000 living, breathing, texting, sexting cam performers playing online right now. Enter our coupon code mrpinks to save $35 off you first purchase!!!

If you’ve got a favorite camgirl or must-see live show, or if you’ve found something very special at LivePinks, drop us a line and let us know!

Mr. Pink’s Weekly Report – July 29th, 2019

mrpinksIt has been an especially kinky week this week at Mr. Pink’s Porn Reviews, where we’re looking at three sites that each address an undeserved element of the porn viewing community. The first, Plushies.TV allows us to peek in on teen girls taking their love of soft and plush teddy bears and toys to a whole new orgasmic level. Pure TS and Becoming Femme, two trans sites for which we can largely thank Christian XXX, offer HD hardcore takes on different slices of trans-porn possibilities. On the blog this week we’ll look at the breakup of one very popular amateur pseudo-network and see what the future holds for fans of Exploited College Girls, Casting Couch HD and their related amateur scout spots. Join us next week for even more sex and shenanigans under the marquee marked Pink!

Separation Anxiety: NVG EXCOGI etc


Imagine my surprise when, as part of ongoing efforts to observe today’s finest up-and-coming (or merely potential) porn talents as early as possible, I checked notorious audition-porn hotspot, Backroom Casting Couch and found the following notice:

The ownership of BackRoomCastingCouch, BlackAmbush & ExCoGi have decided to end out content sharing partnership with NetVideoGirls, NetGirl & CastingCouch-HD since our common goals and interests are no longer mutually beneficial. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause to our fans and members, but we will continue to bring exclusive and original amateur content to all our fantastic and loyal members.

So, amateur fuck fans, gone is the epic, multifaceted amateur and semi-pro network that once included all those sites listed above. The down and dirty – BackroomCastingCouch and BlackAmbush, along with ExCoGi – seem intent on standing solid as a trio and there’s no reason that combination shouldn’t be extremely exciting to many fans and members. Now also left as a trio, NetVideoGirls, NetGirl, and CastingCouch-HD – all three of which share production facilities, a house style, and some performers – will undoubtedly make for a very tidy little network all their own even without the added kinkiness of those more (ahem) “adventurous” sites. There’s no reason this should keep subscribers to any of these sites from sticking around, especially since each outfits offers something not found in such abundance and quality anywhere else on the ‘net.

See our fully detailed Mr. Pink’s reviews of BackRoomCastingCouch, BlackAmbush & ExCoGi and NVG effort – NetVideoGirls and find out exactly why each of them comes with a hearty Mr. Pink’s recommendation. In their respective little niche pockets of the amateur world, BRCC, ECG, BA, NVG, NG, and CCHD, united or divided, are must-see amateur efforts.

Mr. Pink’s Weekly Report – July 23rd, 2019

mrpinksWhen is a fetish not a fetish? When we’re detailing it in another Mr. Pink’s Porn Review and this week we’re looking at three sites that would usually be classified in fetish categories. Here at Mr. Pink’s, though, they’re just preferences shared by millions of people around the world. The first, overweight women, is a feature of Pure BBW, a hardcore HD adventure staffed only with heavyset sluts. TS POV brings those curious viewers face-to-face with a trans-woman of their choosing for one immersive sexual encounter after another. Black men and gay men and interracial sex are all considered their own niche interests but Noir Male brings them together in fine all-male fucking fashion. It’ll be just as vanilla next week – i.e.: not very – so be sure to tune in next week for another triple dose of porn wisdom from Mr. Pink’s Porn Reviews.