If the rumors are true and camgirls are indeed the new pornstars, you’re going to need someone to guide you through the seemingly millions of live streaming sex shows eating up bandwidth worldwide. While Mr. Pink’s tries to cover as many porno players both major and minor as we can, sometimes we put it a call to a trusted advisor and ask them what’s up with one particular facet of the porno world. With webcams, trusted sources are rare (though you can always rely on Mr. Pink’s very selective cam site reviews). A fairly new site claiming to know the ins-and-outs and ups-and-downs of webcam sites and the girls (and guys) that grace them is Webcam Champs. Invited to scope out its offerings and report back to you, dear reader, Mr. Pink’s is diving headfirst into webcams with Webcam Champs to see who really are the champions of this booming porno niche.
Loaded with great details about the major sites and services like Chaturbate, MyFreeCams, CamSoda, and FapShows, Guilty Chat, and the all-Asian Sakura Live, Webcam Champs offers curated lists of the best cam sites in various categories: European, Gay, Shemale, Amateurs, Fetish, and Asian. Also offering links to the best official pornstar cams, cam model websites, dating sites, and cam-roulette-style unisex circle-jerks, and voyeur apartment webcams, Webcam Champs is very nearly comprehensive. It’s unfortunately lacking in the couples and transsexual/shemale departments, apparently forgetting that Chaturbate has a great roster of trans performers and couples and groups of all configurations. Doppelganger sites are common in the webcam world; a known list would be great to see here, cutting down on time spent browsing sites loaded with nonexclusive performers with little to offer.
When wading through the occasionally disappointing, frequently mind-blowing world of live adult webcams, you’ll need a guide. In collaboration with Mr. Pink’s cam-site coverage and your own good judgement, Webcam Champs keeps you pointed in the right direction.