Kpop’s (Very) Little Porn Problem

In the Western World of popular music, a scandal generally involves rampant infidelity, horrific drug abuse, a leaked sex tape, or prison time, but in South Korea, pop idols can be torn from their perch above the rest of us plebs by such seemingly innocuous things as going on dates or taking prescription medication. For one idol, Mina of the group AOA (Ace of Angels), her involvement in a recent pornography “scandal” was entirely at the hands of others.

For those of you needing an introduction, here’s Mina holding mailed entries for an AOA contest:
Mina envelope

And here’s a similar shot of Mina used to advertise an adult service on a popular US-based XXX tube video site:
Mina tube ad

So how did a seemingly innocent 20-year-old bass playing girl group member come to be used as a promotional tool for a shady XXX business? It seems those responsible for the ad graphic found the above contest announcement video on YouTube and, seeing Mina’s curious attempt at miming a drum roll, stole, trimmed, and giffed the following crucial moment:

AOA’s record company, FNC Entertainment, reported the matter to police and, strangely, seem to have left it at that. Netizen reports are suggesting that the offending ad, stolen from a video shot when Mina was only 18, has been removed. Although perhaps they’re just adjusting the ad to correct Mina’s nationality from Chinese to Korean, but I doubt it.

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