3 Relationship Compatibility Factors You Should Never Ignore

Life at the beginning of a relationship is full of joy. Everything seems perfect, your partner is the best person in the world, and you seem to have the dream connection. But still, one question remains. Do you have what it takes to take it to the next level? In short, are you compatible?

To determine that, you need to ask yourself something. What does compatibility mean to you? Is it fantastic sex, same music taste, shared favorite movies? Since every relationship is unique, it’s hard to determine the ultimate guide to being compatible.

Nevertheless, psychologists claim that there are some factors you should never ignore, even though they may not look so important to you at the beginning of your relationship. What are they? Keep reading to find out.

Sexual Compatibility

Sex plays a crucial part in a relationship. Every time should be a unique and intimate experience that you both enjoy. But sexual compatibility is much more than just the way you review your sex life. Many factors can influence that, like:

  • Frequency and duration
  • Different sex drives
  • Turn-ons and offs
  • Fantasies and kinks
  • The way you both define sex

And sure, it takes time to make it all click the way you want, so before you start reading AffairAlert or Lonely Wife Hookups reviews to find someone that will satisfy your sexual needs, it’s best to give it some time. Still, make sure to pay attention to the things mentioned above.

Being sexually compatible is crucial if you want to increase your chances for a long term relationship. If your partner isn’t able to give you satisfaction, you may not be able to feel a hundred percent happy.

The vital thing is to determine what sex means to you and another person. If you feel that something doesn’t feel right, it’s time for an honest conversation that can go two-way. You either find a solution or decide to end things.

Sense of Humor

There’s much more to a similar sense of humor than most people think. Frequently, nothing connects two people more than sharing a laugh, and doing that while in a relationship is no exception. But there’s more to that.

First of all, if you’re not compatible in terms of humor, you may easily offend each other unintentionally. All because you don’t understand your jokes. That can lead to many tense situations and even make you develop a negative impression of each other.

Secondly, you need to determine whether you find your partner’s jokes funny and vice versa. An ability to make each other laugh is vital when things aren’t going your way. If you can’t cheer each other up, is there even a point of being in a relationship?

Still not convinced? How about proof. Research has proven that couples with a shared sense of humor are more likely to stay together longer.

Shared Values

We all come from diverse backgrounds. We have various personalities, interests, and values. But even though a little bit of difference is essential in a relationship, there are some fundamental values that you have to share to be entirely happy and compatible.

The first one is politics. If you and your partner have different views on how your country and future should look like, the chances are that you’re not going to make it. And if by any chance you do, prepare for many arguments and questions regarding raising your children.

And speaking of children, another value you need to share is the willingness to have or not to have a child. If raising a kid is your dream, being with a partner who doesn’t want to have children is a deal-breaker.

And sure, you shouldn’t talk about it on your first date, but it’s one of the must-ask questions if you want to take your relationship to the next level. When it comes to other values and interests, you need to determine how important they’re to you and the person you love.

Sometimes all you need is an honest conversation, and the sooner you have it, the higher your chances of a happy and long-term relationship.

Bottom Line

As you can see, compatibility is a much more complicated matter than some people think. Indeed, at the start of your relationship, everything feels great, and you believe that your partner is the one. That is until your relationship gets to a specific phase.

It will happen sooner or later, but you’ll get to the point where your glasses will no longer be pink, and you’ll see your partner the way they truly are. That’s the moment that determines whether you’re compatible or not.

When it comes, you have to act fast. Observe and have a lot of honest conversations. Doing that will help you see if you share the same crucial values and desires.

If you do, and besides, also have a fantastic sex life and always know how to cheer each other up, then you can be sure that you’ve found the one.

How Sex Can Change Your Body Image

Struggling with low self-esteem is not uncommon in today’s hypersexualized world. With perfectly chiseled men gazing at you from posters advertising gym memberships and half-naked women with goddesses’ bodies showing off their goods from lingerie billboards, body image issues develop much more often nowadays than at any other point in human history.

These negative thoughts can have a terrible impact on your life in more than one way. Paradoxically, they may discourage you from doing things that could potentially make you feel better about your body, such as going to the gym or wearing sexy underwear. Instead of thinking that with enough effort, you could look like the people in the ads mentioned above, your poor body image can make you think that gyms and lingerie are reserved only for people looking like the best sex dolls of 2020.

Gym anxiety and a lowered sense of self-worth are only the tip of the iceberg when talking about issues related to being unsatisfied with one’s own body. It can quickly spill over to other areas of your life and cause eating disorders, social anxiety, and, perhaps most prominently, completely cripple your sex life.

Fortunately, these issues are not unfixable, and one of the best ways you can combat them is by completely opening yourself up to a loving and compassionate partner and overcoming your concerns by facing them head-on.

Who is Affected by Body Image Issues?
It has traditionally been the case that women were disproportionately affected by negative perceptions of their own bodies. While this notion holds true to this day, it’s important not to disregard the male perspective on this issue. The truth is that men do struggle with poor perceptions of their bodies, and the number of guys with these problems is growing annually.

In 2016, 20-40% of men were unhappy with certain aspects of their physique. Bodyweight, muscle tone, and facial features were amongst the characteristics that were most complained about.

The most interesting difference between men and women when it comes to body image isn’t in the numbers, but the fundamental reason behind their issues. For women, these issues often stem from comparing themselves to another woman or a group of peers. Men, on the other hand, pointed towards the inability to find or satisfy mating partners.

One’s feeling of self-worth should not be determined by physical appearance only. For people struggling with negative body image, though, it might be hard to look past that. This is why some of the most effective ways to help yourself feel better about your own body are through sex and seeing your own beauty through the eyes of your partner.

Pleasant Shock Therapy
The term “shock therapy” is usually used to describe the treatment of phobias and traumas by exposing the patients to their fears in order to expose them for what they really are — aversions that have gotten blown out of proportion.
In the case of poor body image, one of the most effective ways to overcome these thoughts is by exploring your sexuality with a person you can trust. Self-esteem issues regarding your physical appearance will negatively impact your sex life first and foremost, which is why it is important to try and overcome them in a sexual way before they completely eradicate your desire to have any sort of sexual experience whatsoever.

Having someone who can see you as a beautiful and sexual being show the desire to go to bed with you can completely alter the way you perceive yourself and your own body parts. You might be tempted to think that this is only reserved for people who are in a steady relationship, but this “treatment” is actually more effective when you’re single and have one night stands. It might seem counterintuitive, but hooking up with strangers grants you the certainty that they wanted to have sex with you because of your looks, rather than the personality or romantic feelings that play an important role in the sex lives of people in monogamous relationships.

Regardless of your relationship status, opening yourself up to physical intimacy may help you get over your body image problems and see yourself in a more positive light.

Sex and Mental Health
Regardless of whether you’re a male or a female, positive sexual experiences with a considerate and understanding partner can drastically change how you feel about your own body. Their effects can carry onto your life in many surprising ways, long after your memory of the intercourse and orgasm fades away.

Most importantly, it may give you the confidence boost you need to expose yourself and improve your body by going to the gym or running in public. You may even feel courageous enough to pick out clothes that you would never consider trying on when you were in that darker frame of mind.

The Bottom Line
As much fun as that would be, sex isn’t (unfortunately) the solution to all problems. It might not even be a feasible form of body image treatment for some of the most difficult cases. If you can’t bear the thought of someone seeing your naked body and you consider sex to be out of the question, you might require the help of a qualified mental health professional. It might take a lot of time and effort to get out of that mindset, but it’s not an insurmountable barrier, no matter how much it may seem like it.

Let’s Talk About…Why Speaking With Your Partner About Sex Is So Crucial?

There are few things in life that people are often too shy to speak about – one of them being sex. They feel slightly ashamed when they have to talk to someone about their sexual needs and what they like and don’t like in the bedroom. However, they have no reason to! Sex is a natural human behavior, as well as one of the elements that (usually) make a good relationship.

This is exactly why you shouldn’t be afraid or ashamed to communicate with your partner about your sexual needs. They need to know what is it that you enjoy, and what you don’t feel comfortable doing. A conversation will turn sex into what it should be – pleasurable for both sides. Remember – your partner is not a mind reader, so they cannot know what you are thinking. You need to express your thoughts verbally.

There is a very big chance that you and your partner will not like the same things in bed – it happens, everyone has their preferences. Some people prefer dirty talk, while some people don’t like it. Some people like it rough, while some prefer it to be passionate and slow. Express your needs so that your partner knows what to do.

And if they won’t take your needs into consideration? Well, that might mean it’s time to end the relationship and look for some other source of relief. After all, if they won’t respect your choices when it comes to sex, how can you be sure they will respect them in other spheres of your life when your relationship takes a step forward?

If you wish to find out more about how you can safely relieve sexual frustration, check out this infographic provided by theadulttoyshop.com. It contains all the information you might need about sex toys – while they are a great way of finding pleasure, they need to be used properly. Otherwise, they might cause more harm than good.

The Adult Toy Shop

How The Top Webcam Models Earn More Money


There’s almost nothing easier than becoming a webcam model. All it takes is an internet connection and a camera. That’s really it. With the exception of having to be over 18, there are no restrictions based on age, gender, race, or sexual preference. The main thing that makes camming so appealing is the ability to make money while you do it. That’s also something that anyone can do. The only problem is that a new model is never going to make as much as they think they are. That takes some time and a lot of know how. If you want to really earn the kind of money that it takes to be a successful cam model, you’ll have to know the tricks that the top earners know. If you know how they do it, you can live a very comfortable life with a fun adult job that always has something new for you. Here are the ways that the top earners make their money on cam.

Looking Good Is Key

The biggest misconception behind cam work is that you have to invest a lot of money into equipment. It’s simply not true. If you want to put the cash into lighting rigs, expensive cameras, and audio equipment, then you’ll look and sound amazing. It’s not necessary, though. Those are the things that you can consider getting after you’re making the kind of money to turn camming into your business. If you don’t want to take on that kind of expense out of the gate, all you have to do is make sure you look good. That means you’re clothes, hair, background, and makeup have to be kept up and pristine. That’s really what it’s all about. If you look good then no one is going to turn you down because you have the wrong lighting.

You Have To Show Your Face

If you take a look at most of the most new cam models online, you’ll see a lot of genitals and not a lot of faces. It makes sense. Sure, you’re okay with showing off your body as a new model, but you don’t want to be outed in your regular life. That’s just a fear that you have to get over. If you want to make real money, you have to be real with your audience. That means showing your face the entire time you’re online.

Interactive Toys Drive Traffic

The first thing that any cam viewer is going to look for when they’re browsing rooms is an interactive toy. These things have the power to drive traffic to your room and keep it there. Your audience will spend thousands on tips just to set them off and see your reaction. An interactive toy is the difference between a camming hobby and a camming job. The sooner you can get yours, the better off you’ll be and earning the real kind of money that you want from your camming time.

Amplify Your Reactions

Whether or not you’re using an interactive toy, you have to be reactive. That doesn’t mean going crazy with intense fake orgasms, but it does mean turning up the dial on your honest reactions. You may not be the kind of person to emote your sexual pleasure, but’s it’s important when you’re camming. A good way of thinking about it is with a smile. If something would make you smile in private then it should make you moan in public. The better the audience thinks it’s making you feel, the more they’re going to give you to keep it going.

Be The Reason People Show Up

The most important aspect to any of this is your personality. You can do all of the above things and you won’t see a single cent if your personality isn’t into it. The biggest mistake that any cam model can make is sitting alone with a downer look on their face, unwilling to interact with their audience unless they’re paying them. The money comes after you show your audience that you have something to offer them. Let your personality come out and talk to people. Have a good time and it’s going to show. That’s what’s going to get you large audiences with a lot of money to spend on you. At the end of the day, no one is paying for your body or sexual activity on a cam. What they’re paying for is you and your personality.