New Year’s Fuckin’ Eve!

As we at Mr. Pink’s anticipated the arrival of another year in which to educate and inform our beloved readership, we thought it might be fun to check in on some of the pornstars who have most impressed us in 2011 and see what they got up to as the clock approached midnight on January 1st 2012. Partying hard with their hottest booze-filled friends? Chilling at home with a blunt and an adorable puppy? Keeping it purely sexual during the countdown, complete with their very own ball drop? Once again, Twitter has the 140-character-or-fewer answers porn fans seek!

The stellar trio of Abella Anderson (The Sass), Alexis Texas (The Ass), and Daisy Marie (The Slutina) tore it up at Opium Nightclub in Ft. Lauderdale…

Come party with @AbellaXXX, @Alexis_Texas & @1daisymarie for The Official AVN #NYE Pre-Show Party @Opium_Nightclub -> 4 days ago via HootSuite · powered by @socialditto

Joanna Angel and some of her fellow alt.sluts threw a huge bash at the considerably less classy but infinitely cooler St. Vitus bar in Brooklyn…

NYE Party tonite – fuck yeah! @Ay_dubz , @ROGIZOID, @xoannika, @KleioValentien, @omgitsjessielee, @AriaRae, @bb_twix! 2 days ago via web · powered by @socialditto

Best NYE I’ve had in about a decade. Surrounded by amazing friends at one of my favorite bars in Brooklyn. Such a great night! Happy 2012! 1 day ago via TweetCaster for Android · powered by @socialditto

Carmen Valentina loves her gals Puma Swede and Angelina Castro, but vowed to avoid what most of us can only dream of…

New years resolution- not to suffocate and pass out in @PumaSwede and @AngelinaCastroX BooBes! 1 day ago via Mobile Web · powered by @socialditto

Brooklyn Lee kept it oddly vague while Charley Chase made it clear why she’s always smiling so brightly…

My New Year’s resolution is to do each and every thing I set out to. 1 day ago via Plume  · powered by @socialditto

Mushrooms again. Happy first day of the year! Yes sir! 1 day ago via HTC Peep · powered by @socialditto

Jessie Andrews seems to be forgetting that she’s a hot young white girl living in LA…

#newyearsresolution : win some awards, get a booty like kim k, save money, drink less starbucks, go to rehab for online shopping, 100k easy 2 days ago via web · powered by @socialditto

Kristina Rose seemed to brighten up after being invited out by some pornopals…

To: All the people I hate
I hope you die in the New Year.

@DannyDiablo I ain’t going nowhere! Amateur Night is for Herbie Herbinsteins! I’m gunna hang out at home w/ my pot & my Mexican beers! ;P 2 days ago via Twitter for iPhone · powered by @socialditto

You know shits about to get weird @thetrillz @kristinarosexxx best dressed 1 day ago via Instagram · powered by @socialditto

In the MILF arena, the incomparable Julia Ann decided it was time she stopped holding herself back and assumed her rightful position atop humanity…

#Lastdayof2011 I will be planning to take over the world:-) 3 days ago via Twitter for Android · powered by @socialditto

…while Vicky Vette, much to the delight of her legion of fans, kept her resolution well within reach.

#NewYearsResolution ~~~ post more #tipics ( . )( . ) in 2012 than I did in 2011 ~ yeah… I have big goals 1 day ago via web · powered by @socialditto

Man, that sure makes my night of watching almost every patron pour out of my dingy neighborhood bar to see some crappy building-obscured fireworks, leaving me to awkwardly shake hands with the bartender who can’t remember my name seem like as inauspicious a beginning to the final year of the Mayan calendar as one can imagine. But hey, at least I got to make my own free cold cut sandwich.

Happy New Years to all of the pink people out there. Hope you have a rockin’ 2012! –

Looking Back From 2012 to… 1950?

The Screaming OThe year 2012 may have only just begun, but already a couple of adult companies are reaching back into the past to create memorable products. Harkening back to that classic era of kitsch Americana, the 1950s, The Screaming O’s 2012 calendar presents a dozen gorgeous babes posing in skimpy outfits as they bring your favorite fantasies to life. Whether sucking down a malt at the soda shop, skating over to the window of a ’55 Chevy Bel Air, or chewin’ on a piece of straw in cowboy boots, shorts, and a ten-gallon hat, these purebred American fillies point to moments in our nation’s history that are fondly remembered as showcasing the epitome of alluring femininity in a suggestive yet somewhat innocent fashion. “It may have been something as simple as a flirty glance, a romantic spark, or an instant attraction that left a lasting impression in our minds. These girls embrace the power of their sexuality with confidence and style,” tells The Screaming O’s Keith Caggiano, pinpointing the company’s M.O. “We always say, inside every girl next door is a Creaming girl at heart!”

Intimate apparel designers and manufacturers Seven ’til Midnight are also harkening back to an earlier time in America’s history, this time aiming squarely at the swinging ’60s with their brand new 2012 line of intimates. Set to debut in late January at Le Salon International de la Lingerie in Paris, the collection aims to bring fans of the recent classy Mad Men-inspired sixties styles into a more erotic arena, one filled with glamour, suggestiveness, and sophistication, by the time of its Valentine’s Day retail release.

As odd as it is that two leading intimate companies are jumping back in time fifty years or more at the beginning of a new year, both of these new offerings are bound to be big hits with consumers and professionals alike. Imagine someone like Natasha Nice or Alexis Texas in a slim-fitting ’60s-style black cocktail dress with garter and stockings underneath and tell me you’re not more worked up than Don Draper at an Equal Pay Act after party!

Tattoo Tribute to a Porn Idol

There are plenty of pornstars who have decided, wisely or otherwise, to adorn their erection-inducing bodies with tattoos of various sizes, shapes, and colors. Micah Moore has remained close-lipped about the perfect empty circle on her hip; Charley Chase let her fluffy black pubic muff cover up her regrettable angel and devil design; Kleio Valentein stamped the back of her thighs with Batman symbols, presumably to draw in all those nerds that, I don’t know, weren’t even looking at porn in the first place (or something like that). One truly shocking tattoo I recently came across belongs to 21-year-old brunette stunner, Lizz Tayler.

Lizz always wanted to be a pornstar, so much so, in fact, that her idol wasn’t Madonna or Sophia Copolla or Angelina Jolie; it was superslut Brianna Banks. Lizz was such an ardent fan of Brianna’s extremely hardcore performances and relentless pursuit of fresh, new ground to break that she decided the only way to properly pay tribute was to emblazon her own abdomen with the name of her adult entertainment idol.

Lizz Tayler

On her FormSpring page, Lizz answered a fans query about the tattoo by saying “She’s been my idol for yrs [sic], ever since I started watching porn. Unfortunately, it has to get covered up.” Whether she meant covered by panties or garter belts, or inked over with a new design, it’s kinda sad to see such a tangible devotion to porn blocked out of the industry.

Just wait until some fresh-faced 18-year-old rocks her first scene with Sasha Grey’s face inked into her back. Trust me, with the amount of money pornstars seem to be shoving into the (hopefully gloved) hands of tattoo artists throughout LA, sooner or later it’s bound to happen!

Happy Horny Holidays! Pt. 2

Kelly MadisonAs detailed in Mr. Pink’s previous holiday blog, the most prominent porn networks have been adding some sizzling Christmas-themed scenes over the past week and more are undoubtedly on the horizon. What of those pornstars whose websites don’t get quite as much traffic as the major players? What of women like Rachel Aziani and Kelly Madison. what of Wifey and Joanna Angel? Well, thankfully all of these luscious ladies are well and truly in the mood for celebrations of the most carnal kind. Here’s what you can expect from their personal dens of seasonal sexuality:

Rachel Aziani, the Omaha native with an incredible 34DD rack, is appears to be taking it somewhat easy this Christmas season, but she has managed to add one 569-image photo shoot to her site. Showing off her incredible physique, this breathtaking MILF is all gussied up in a kinky red, white-fur-trimmed lingerie outfit that’ll certainly get your sleigh-bells jingling!

– Not one to settle for second place, Kelly Madison added her very own hardcore tale that sees her covering for the sick Santa, delivering presents around the globe. Almost finished for the night, she stumbles across a guy in an elf costume who has very definite ideas about how he should thank this MILF-a-licious substitute Santa. (Hint: it involves lots of titty-fucking.)

– Wifey of Wifey’s World loves nothing more than dressing up in a sultry outfit or costume and coaxing a big juicy load from her husband’s cock, but this Christmas she has stayed in her civvies and sold herself to a lonely guy just so she could pay for Hubby’s Christmas present! After fucking her John and  taking all of his huge load, Wifey definitely earns her money. I just wonder what Hubby will think…

– Last, but most certainly not least, we have the LA porn scene’s favorite Jew keeping up her annual tradition of throwing a dreidel into the otherwise Christmas-focused seasonal adult entertainment offerings. That’s right, folks, Joanna Angel celebrates Hanukkah with eight special gifts, each one a stiff dick with which she gladly plays. Instead of spreading the fucking out over eight sex-crazed nights, Joanna feasts on this octococked team of guys in one hell of a gangbang. Ay-yay-yay, whatta woman!

From all of us here at Mr. Pink’s, we wish you, dearest readers, a safe, happy, and sexually satisfying holiday season, whatever your affiliation. Here’s to the end of another great year in pornography!