Carcinogenic Pussies Destroy Hollywood

We open on Hollywood Blvd. It’s early on a Saturday afternoon. An unlicensed Elmo-costumed street performer coaxes a tourist into parting with $5 for a photo. T-shirt vendors restock their displays with product as another happy customer walks off with an unlicensed “Dude Abides” tee. The right wall of the vendor’s store suddenly collapses, causing everyone in the vicinity to stare startled at the wreckage. The ground starts shaking and the locals duck into doorways and under structural supports. Then, towering over the five-story Hollywood and Highland center, bounding in from the east comes a colossal pussy, its thundering queefs blowing eardrums as it hurls HPV bombs at the people on the street below.

Well, that’s not quite what happened, but Michael Douglas did last week tell the Guardian that a cause, if not the cause, of the throat cancer he recently recovered from was the HPV (Human Papillomavirus) transmitted orally to him via cunnilingus. Yeah, that’s right he nuzzled up to an HPV-infected woman (not necessarily his wife; he is a tinsel town legend, after all) and now believes that particular activity was what led to a tumor at the base of his tongue; not years of heavy drinking, smoking, and God knows what else, but eating pussy.

While you may scoff at the notion of oral sex causing cancer, the CDC claims HPV leads to throat cancer in 1,700 women and 6,700 men annually. In fact, data offered by the American Association for the Advancement of Science suggests tobacco has been knocked from its top spot as the leading cause of oral (neck, mouth, and throat) cancer in men by HPV. An noted in CNN’s article on Douglas’ revelation, according to Dr. Anil Chaturvedi of the National Cancer Institute “The precise reasons for the survival benefits are not clear, but tumors in HPV-positive patients tend to have less genetic damage. Because of that, they are more responsive to cancer therapies like radiation treatment.”

Anyone who’s seen Douglas’ turn as he of the mirrored piano and impossible pomp, Liberace, in HBO’s Behind the Candelabra, can certainly attest to the actor/producer’s recovery: it’s his most dynamic and accomplished role in years.

Dildo Theft on Pain and Gain Set

Anyone who’s ever been on the set of any reasonably sized film production, porno or otherwise, knows that theft is rampant: theft of credit, theft of ideas, theft in the form of grossly overpaid players, theft of costume items and props. On the set of Michael Bay’s bodybuilding crime hit, Pain and Gain, however, something rather unusual items failed to make it back to the prop truck after shooting: sex toys.

Talking to The Daily Beast, Bay revealed that after he spent $75,000 on a treasure trove of the sex toy industry’s greatest creations, someone or someones managed to take off with a good chunk of them. A confounded Bay explains as best he can:

“We bought $75,000 worth of sex toys to stock the sex-toy warehouse. I could have filmed the crew coming in that day because they’d stop and see these things—anatomically correct vajayjays and this butt (everyone would touch the butt because it felt real)—and it was hysterical. We were going to return all the sex toys to get three-quarters of our money back, but they started disappearing. We were like, “Who is taking the sex toys?”

One cast member not likely to be the culprit is Rebel Wilson, seen below wielding her own artificial bedroom spicer-upper, a pair of nunchaku, that she pulled out when Bay requested the sex scene they were shooting needed to be sexier. Clearly this a woman with a strong arsenal all her own.

Rebel Wilson

Personally, I’m putting my money on Peter “Where is Pancakes House?” Stormare.

When Is a Pseudo-Celebrity Teen Mom’s Sex Tape Not a Sex Tape?

Farrah Abraham's sex tape"Few were surprised when tabloid news outlets began reporting that Farrah Abraham, star of MTV’s Teen Mom, would be the subject of a “leaked sex tape”. “Private” footage of pseudo-celebrities having sex has become another blatantly obvious attention grabbing technique used by those struggling to remain in the fading spotlight or seeking to make a name for themselves without any discernible talents or worthwhile attributes (except an enticing body) and Ms. Abraham’s star certainly wasn’t on the ascent after her Teen Mom stint. What makes this case of celebrity skin slightly different is that, while many suspected the sex tapes of Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, and Tila Tequila were as phony as penile growth supplements, Abraham’s case is so riddled with inconsistencies, professional touches, and absurd statements from the source that it couldn’t possibly be regarded as remotely authentic.

1. Abraham claims the tape was made for her own personal use yet later said she’d not sell the movie for “anything less than a couple million”, a clear sign of her true intentions.

2. “Farrah Superstar: Backdoor Teen Mom” co-stars James Deen, the single most popular, most famous, and most newsworthy male adult performer currently working. Who hires a porn stud for a private recording?

3. The sex scene, which runs about 42 minutes, is identical in most respects to any POV hardcore scene you’d find on Porn Pros or Reality Kings, from the lighting, lack of cutting, and roaming camerawork to Abraham’s rote, sterile attempts at teasing and seduction.

4. Deen, a man of no small girth, manages to enter Abraham’s titular “backdoor” without much of a warmup and almost no lubrication. That’s not real couple anal sex, folks, that’s porno anal sex.

5. To the ire of Abraham and her remarkably supportive, devoutly Christian father, Deen told various tabloid outlets that the whole point of the shoot was to “leak” a phoney “sex tape”. The Abraham family has called Deen “an opportunist”, clearly overestimating Farrah’s pop culture prominence while underestimating his.

Nevertheless, Abraham is insisting that the tape, which can now be seen online at Vivid Entertainment, was shot without a commercial release in mind. Now that her deal with Vivid has been inked, though, she seems content to be a daughter, mother, self-tanning addict, and talking point for at least the next week.

Still, reports from New York Post and TMZ claim Vivid’s servers were inundated with 2 million visitors within 12 hours of posting, so to what do we chalk up her millions of hits? It’s simple: morbid curiosity, James Deen, and the seemingly universal appeal of fucking celebrities in the ass.

Axel Braun: Man of Iron

Iron Man XXX: An Axel Braun ParodyIt seems there’s no stopping the superhero movie juggernaut. Not only did Joss Whedon’s movie adaptation of Marvel’s The Avengers become the third highest-grossing film of all time soon after its May 2012 release, but it cemented plans for more Marvel properties to make the transition from printed page to silver screen and the already widespread availability of explicit adult parodies of said Marvel properties into overdrive. The undisputed king of porn parodies, Axel Braun has already turned his hand to Marvel characters more than once – his XXX interpretations of Spider-Man, She-Hulk, and The Avengers won rave reviews and confirmed porn parodies as the hottest ticket in town – and now the master is turning his hand to, of all things, the story of a dying man imprisoned in a suit of iron.

The success of two previous Iron Man films, along with Robert Downey, Jr.’s charisma, might’ve guaranteed a ton of pre-release interest for the forthcoming Iron Man 3, but such hype doesn’t always translate into sales of a derivative porn parody. With Braun’s track record, though, he’s not likely worried. The trailer for his upcoming Iron Man XXX parody has finally been unveiled and, boy, it doesn’t look like Braun’s pulled any punches this time around.

Iron Man XXX: An Axel Braun Parody stars Dale DaBone as billionaire industrialist Tony Stark and as his armored superhero alter-ego, Iron Man. DaBone is joined by superbabes Lexi Belle, Brooklyn Lee, Shazia Sahari, and Skin Diamond, with Lexington Steele reprising his crucial role as Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D. But who landed the pivotal role as the movie’s villain, The Mandarin, played in the official film by Ben Kingsley, I can hear you asking? Watch the trailer, bro – it answers all your questions and raises a few new ones, all in preparation for the release of Iron Max XXX: An Axel Braun Parody next month.