When you consider that the standard monthly membership price of most worthwhile adult websites runs around thirty bucks, sometimes it’s not a question of trying to spend less but simply trying to get more for each dollar. It’s not often the case that a fairly new website will spring up and prove impossible to resist, but that’s what happens when you pull together an acclaimed director, today’s top female and male performers, and a slick, dynamic visual style. As AVN’s first ever female Director of the Year, Mason is the perfect person to introduce two new incredible offerings HardX and EroticaX.
For those of you as yet unfamiliar with HardX and EroticaX, prepare yourselves for orientation! HardX stays true to its name and delivers the most intense and punishing rough sex, ass-fucking, double-penetrations, and gangbangs on the porn scene today. EroticaX, on the other hand, sees pornstars indulging in couple and fantasy roleplaying shot with a romantic atmosphere. Both sites deliver absolutely incredible visuals and prove AVN’s directorial accolade was not given in error, and see such stars as Casey Calvert, Annika Albrite, James Deen, Remy LaCroix, Mick Blue, and Carter Cruise line up to receive the most flattering close-ups of their careers. (Oh, and there’s plenty of wild fucking and sensual lovemaking, too!) And, now available for only $14.95 each instead of the usual $29.99, your first month inside both HardX and EroticaX is more affordable than ever!
Combine HardX’s 109 EroticaX’s 84 scenes (all available in 720p and 1080p HD) and you get a tidy little two-site archive of 184 scenes, which might not seem like much at first, but which will reveal their true worth once played. Although the per-scene rate only comes to 16.25¢ and the discount is only valid for your first month inside this remarkable pair of sites, it’s the quality of Mason’s HardX and EroticaX work, and the dynamic performances by men and women clearly very comfortable with this director, that really makes your $29.90 easy to part with.
HardX and EroticaX might combine to make a fairly small package, but such a treasure trove of excellent hardcore this reviewer has never seen priced so affordably so early on in its rise to worldwide acclaim. Get in on the ground floor, folks, ’cause Mason’s new sites are set to force every pornographer in the land to raise their game.