TSA Saves Airline Passengers from Huge Dick

A rather odd tale of air travel security popped up on Huffington Post this week, telling of a man who was temporarily detained and question by TSA agents after they detected an abnormal, uh, package in his trousers.

Jonah Flacon

Brooklyn’s Jonah Falcon, an actor with uncredited roles in such films as Death to Smoochy, City by the Sea, The Good Shepherd, and A Beautiful Mind, was slowly making his way through a security checkpoint at San Francisco International Airport on July 9th when a TSA agent noticed the prominent bulge in his pants and decided it was time to pull out that ol’ “Sir, that cock is weapon,” line. Only the agent was unaware of who he was dealing with. Falcon is, after all, the owner of the world’s largest recorded penis. At 13.5″, Falcon’s member was even large enough to cause the rumor mill to falsely claim his father was none other than porn legend, John Holmes.

Falcon told HuffPo that he had packed his own belongings carefully “to the left” and that he wasn’t erect “at the time”. After an agent inquired as to the contents of his pockets, Falcon admitted that they were empty. The next step was to haul Falcon and his hidden anatomical marvel into an x-ray body scanner and through a metal detector. Still puzzled, another agent of the TSA asked Falcon if he had some kind of abnormal growth. The agents even applied some powder to Falcon’s pants in order to detect whether or not the mysterious package was of a threatening nature. Eventually giving up the search for answers, the agents set Falcon off to his gate, where he made his flight without delay.

Now, this could be a thoroughly embarrassing situation for any number of reasons, but for Falcon, it was a laughable affair and a lesson he’ll take with him on all future travels. “I’m just gonna wear bike shorts from now on,” he said. “That way they’ll know. You’d think the San Francisco TSA would have had experience with hung guys before, but I guess not.”

Aussie Sex Party Not Playing Games With Censors

Australian Sex PartyThe continuing saga of the Australian Sex Party, Down Under’s most absurdly controversial political outfit, and its leader, Fiona Patten took a strange turn with the recent implementation of an R18+ classification for video games putting pressure on the federal government to reassess the current classification of much softcore and hardcore pornography, which remains illegal in many parts of the country.

Federal Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Justice Jason Clare said of the recent passing in the Senate of legislation that would introduce an R18+ legal classification of video and computer games depicting such extreme acts as murder and physical assault that makes such games available to adults but not minors, “The R18+ category will inform consumers, parents, and retailers about which games are not suitable for minors to play… The reforms also mean that adults are able to choose what games they play within the bounds of the law.”

Patten and the Australian Sex Party are up in arms because this focus on permitting depictions of violent activities suggests those activities are more acceptable than the still-banned graphic depictions of human sexual interaction. “The ALRC (Australian Law Reform Commission) has recommended that the Commonwealth assume enforcement powers for classification issues… so that the Asutralian moral standards are seen as equal in different jurisdictions. THis needs to be expedited or come next January [when the law is to take effect] we will see computer games legally available in Queensland that are four and five times more explicit than restricted (Category 1) softcore magazines, which are banned in that state.” An absurd situation and understandable complaint, right?

“If ‘simulated’ depictions of high level sexual activity will soon be legal in commuter games, the government should consider amalgamating the two upper adult categories of R18+ and X18+,” Patten said, calling such simulations “extremely real” and claiming the difference between the R and X ratings will be “merely academic and of little consequence” to most users of so classified content.

Whether or not Patten and her comrades will have any real impact on the impending rejigging of Australia’s classifications remains to be seen. Until then, violence-addicted Aussies can rest easy knowing that, although they might not be able to kick back and watch a classic hardcore movie without worrying about Johnny Law beating down the door, they can at least commit dozens of acts of assault, battery, and homicide, all depicted in extremely graphic fashion, with no legal consequence. In short: fucking’s out but killing is bonze, mate!

Beating-Off Down Under: It’s Hard to Do

As we sit here comfortably in “the land of the free and all that jazz,” our fellow porn-lovers living in that haven of surfers, slackers, and undervalued 70s, 80s, and 90s rock ‘n’ roll bands known as The Land Down Under are struggling for even the most basic modern age access to pornography. David Thodey, CEO of Telstra, Australia’s leading telecommunications company, announced on April 11 that the company’s BigPond online entertainment and news service will cease offering its remarkably mild and seriously softcore ‘glamour content’ due to customer complaints (“It objectifies women!”) and pressure from anti-porn activist group Collective Shout. Calling Telstra “Australia’s largest family company,” Thodey announced that although more explicit content is readily available at video rental and retail stores across the country and that none of the BigPond-hosted ‘glamour’ content was classified R 18+ (restricted to adults only), he has personally decide to withdraw the “offending” articles, which he calls “sexist” and “inconsistent with [Telstra’s] core values.”

So, listen up, Australian Mr. Pink’s readers and anyone anywhere in the world who gives a shit about the rights of adults to consume whatever legal entertainment media they wish, before you go supporting a telecommunications company, remember the argument that David Thodey, like so many other corporate pontificators all over the world, has resorted to in order to justify his actions: “It’s just not the Telstra thing to do.”

Oh well, at least Aussies can still beat-off by the roadside to racy billboards like this totally-not-sexist one for a low-carb protein bar.

Australian Billboard

Tie a Flesh-toned Ribbon

Hollie StevensThe economy, the Republican candidates for nomination, birth control, abortion, immigration, gas prices, off-shore drilling, American Idol, and tom-ay-to or tom-ah-to: these are some of the highly contentious and controversial issues we all have to adopt a stance on sooner or later. Staunch opponents of the Left will shoot down “Obamacare” at any opportunity. The Right-baiting Occupy movement calls for a radical dismantling of America’s long-idolised super-rich elite. And Hollie Stevens has cancer.

“Wait, what? Hollie Stevens has cancer? Egads. Let’s just hope it’s not the titty cancer! It is? It is the titty cancer? Oh, fuck, we’re doomed.”

That’s right, folks, it is with much dismay that I, Mr. Pink, bring you news of the ailing health of the blonde clown-porn pioneer. Although Ms. Stevens, known as much for her kinky, adventurous clown-themed photoshoots as for her thick ass and predilection for shaking it all about, overcame her initial bouts with The Big C thanks to a life-saving mastectomy, but was soon felled once more by a terrifying diagnosis. The cancer had not only reappeared near the initial surgical site, but it had spread to her bone. Then, as told by Laura Lasky on a donation page she setup for Stevens at Give Forward, it was discovered that more tumors had reared their ugly heads in Hollie’s liver and right leg, and has “compromised her hip and leg as well as her chest wall and other breast.” After undergoing chemotherapy and radiation, Hollie was once again hit with an unfathomably daunting task, battling another instance of cancer that formed in her right sixth rib.

When others would have simply given up and let things lead to the ultimate conclusion, Hollie steeled herself for another session on the operating table. While certainly not the sunniest of forecasts for this supremely asstastic adult sensation, this Tweet from the hospital-saddled Hollie herself and dated April 6th, four days after her date with the scalpel, is anything to go by, her career could be back on track sooner than you think.


Donations can be made to aid Hollie Stevens’ recovery at Give Forward.