Joanna Angel Spooks Canada, Eh?

Joanna Angel FuckensteinJoanna Angel, queen bee of renegades Burning Angel, has ditched her Brooklyn buddies, turned her nose up at Hollywood, and has fled to the Great White North. That’s right, canucks, the pink-haired, heavily-tattooed assfucking fanatic herself is heading your way and not for the reasons you might suspect. (No, she’s not an obsessed Tim Horton’s fan or emigrating to our northern neighbor.) Appearing live all this weekend at Shock Stock, Canada’s newest horror convention, Joanna will be signing copies of her black-and-white pornographic throwback to classic horror movies, Fuckenstein, and yakkin’ it up with fans from her very own booth on the convention floor, and doing what she does best, selling her unique brand of hardcore fuck movies. Hell, she’s even putting on a dance performance late on Saturday night that’s bound to be a must-see!

Be warned, though: you’ll not only have to shrug off a throng of amped-up horror fans ogling and angling at a chance to flirt (or at least clumsily attempt to flirt) with Joanna Angel, you’ll have to beat horror and blaxploitation legend Fred “The Hammer” Williamson to the proverbial punch, too.

Shock Stock takes place April 13th through 15th at Centennial Hall in London, Ontario. For more information, the full guest list, and to purchase tickets visit

Vicky Vette, Legal Eagle

Ok, so Vicky Vette may not actually be a bar association member or legal professional of any kind, but she is quite crafty with a lawsuit. On March 29 2012, a Los Angeles court denied a motion by AdultFriendFinder and that called for dismissal of Vette’s charges that these parties, both owned by Penthouse, used her likeness to advertise on thousands of banner ads and promo graphics without her permission. With the motion to dismiss denied, Vette’s case can now proceed to trial, but this is but a piss in the ocean when it comes to adult performers holding control of their likenesses and imagery. So, what’s the word from Ms. Vette on the issue?

“It is outrageous that AdultFriendFinder can think it it’s ok to use my image without even letting me know. I think it’s a scam on me & the general public. I am not sure where this ranks in the ‘annals’ of jurisprudence but I am happy with the result in Court. I know of at least three other girls in the business they are doing the exact same thing to, including Bibi Jones, Carmen Valentina & Gisele. I had nothing but respect for Danni and Penthouse (which owns AdultFriendFinder) so I am a bit stunned they would treat adult stars this way.”

Vette’s attorney, Michael Kernan, Esq. told “AdultFriendFinder argued it had model releases barring any claims, but the Court was not convinced anything covered the image in question.” Now perhaps other adult stars will take action against what is clearly a crime of misinformation and false advertising perpetrated against those who might consider joining AdultFriendFinder, which claims to have a registered community of more than forty-one million users, by those cashing the checks on their sexual frustration.

Adult FriendFinder

Might I suggest, Andi San Dimas, Dana DeArmond, Harmony Rose, and Melanie Rios, that you all consult an attorney immediately? And can I have some kind of finder’s fee? Thirty percent should do it. Cheers.

Tie a Flesh-toned Ribbon

Hollie StevensThe economy, the Republican candidates for nomination, birth control, abortion, immigration, gas prices, off-shore drilling, American Idol, and tom-ay-to or tom-ah-to: these are some of the highly contentious and controversial issues we all have to adopt a stance on sooner or later. Staunch opponents of the Left will shoot down “Obamacare” at any opportunity. The Right-baiting Occupy movement calls for a radical dismantling of America’s long-idolised super-rich elite. And Hollie Stevens has cancer.

“Wait, what? Hollie Stevens has cancer? Egads. Let’s just hope it’s not the titty cancer! It is? It is the titty cancer? Oh, fuck, we’re doomed.”

That’s right, folks, it is with much dismay that I, Mr. Pink, bring you news of the ailing health of the blonde clown-porn pioneer. Although Ms. Stevens, known as much for her kinky, adventurous clown-themed photoshoots as for her thick ass and predilection for shaking it all about, overcame her initial bouts with The Big C thanks to a life-saving mastectomy, but was soon felled once more by a terrifying diagnosis. The cancer had not only reappeared near the initial surgical site, but it had spread to her bone. Then, as told by Laura Lasky on a donation page she setup for Stevens at Give Forward, it was discovered that more tumors had reared their ugly heads in Hollie’s liver and right leg, and has “compromised her hip and leg as well as her chest wall and other breast.” After undergoing chemotherapy and radiation, Hollie was once again hit with an unfathomably daunting task, battling another instance of cancer that formed in her right sixth rib.

When others would have simply given up and let things lead to the ultimate conclusion, Hollie steeled herself for another session on the operating table. While certainly not the sunniest of forecasts for this supremely asstastic adult sensation, this Tweet from the hospital-saddled Hollie herself and dated April 6th, four days after her date with the scalpel, is anything to go by, her career could be back on track sooner than you think.


Donations can be made to aid Hollie Stevens’ recovery at Give Forward.

Bree Olson: Naked for Kony 2012

Alongside his father Nick, George Clooney was arrested last Friday outside the Sudanese embassy in Washington D.C. during a protest organised to draw attention to Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir’s alleged bombing attacks on his own citizens, primarily in South Kordofan near Sudan’s border with newly independent South Sudan.

Like Hollywood’s most eligible bachelor, former pornstar Bree Olson felt compelled to take action after hearing of the Kony 2012 protest movement, a largely online protest encouraging further U.S. efforts to arrest Joseph Kony, leader of Ugandan guerilla group the Lord’s Resistance Army. Having been made aware of Kony’s International Criminal Court indictment for war crimes and violations of the human rights of his fellow citizens, most of which have now been well documented on respectable websites, Bree decided to cavort around on the beach in Los Angeles, wearing next to nothing, and upload a video to YouTube. As you do.

Informing her viewers of Kony’s horrific crimes while providing some rather absurd eye-candy – check out Bree’s facial expressions as she smears muddy sand around her neck and that “is she stoned or serious” look she gives while walking alongside one of LA’s ubiquitous chain-link fences – Bree says she juxtaposed these images of herself with photographic evidence of Kony’s crimes because “a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.”

Hey, good for her, she got involved in a movement she cares about. And while many of Bree’s fans will be thrilled to ogle her one more time and might possibly read up on and even protest Kony’s crimes in their own way, they’re probably just pissed the ex-pornstar with a rather scary impregnation fantasy didn’t actually take it all off like the title of her video, Naked for Kony 2012, suggested.