Tie a Flesh-toned Ribbon

Hollie StevensThe economy, the Republican candidates for nomination, birth control, abortion, immigration, gas prices, off-shore drilling, American Idol, and tom-ay-to or tom-ah-to: these are some of the highly contentious and controversial issues we all have to adopt a stance on sooner or later. Staunch opponents of the Left will shoot down “Obamacare” at any opportunity. The Right-baiting Occupy movement calls for a radical dismantling of America’s long-idolised super-rich elite. And Hollie Stevens has cancer.

“Wait, what? Hollie Stevens has cancer? Egads. Let’s just hope it’s not the titty cancer! It is? It is the titty cancer? Oh, fuck, we’re doomed.”

That’s right, folks, it is with much dismay that I, Mr. Pink, bring you news of the ailing health of the blonde clown-porn pioneer. Although Ms. Stevens, known as much for her kinky, adventurous clown-themed photoshoots as for her thick ass and predilection for shaking it all about, overcame her initial bouts with The Big C thanks to a life-saving mastectomy, but was soon felled once more by a terrifying diagnosis. The cancer had not only reappeared near the initial surgical site, but it had spread to her bone. Then, as told by Laura Lasky on a donation page she setup for Stevens at Give Forward, it was discovered that more tumors had reared their ugly heads in Hollie’s liver and right leg, and has “compromised her hip and leg as well as her chest wall and other breast.” After undergoing chemotherapy and radiation, Hollie was once again hit with an unfathomably daunting task, battling another instance of cancer that formed in her right sixth rib.

When others would have simply given up and let things lead to the ultimate conclusion, Hollie steeled herself for another session on the operating table. While certainly not the sunniest of forecasts for this supremely asstastic adult sensation, this Tweet from the hospital-saddled Hollie herself and dated April 6th, four days after her date with the scalpel, is anything to go by, her career could be back on track sooner than you think.


Donations can be made to aid Hollie Stevens’ recovery at Give Forward.

Ten Thousand Little Piggies

MrPinksAs I was kicking around YouTube the other day, taking in a few slowed-down clips of K-Pop girl groups’ dance routines, videos of French late-sixties model, actress, and singer, Zouzou, as well as some infuriatingly slow DIY computer maintenance tutorials, I came upon a ten-minute, one-shot, discreetly-captured voyeuristic celebration of, of all things, the female foot. More specifically, the Miami-living Cuban-American female foot captured at “the local electronics store”. Complete with insta-hiphop backing soundtrack and lengthy explanation of the circumstances surrounding the camera-phone shooting, the producer of said video clearly wanted to share his fondness for the lower-limbed stabilizers and perambulators of the human body. And, after a brief search, you’ll see it’s clear the gentleman that shot and uploaded “Cute Latina Mom at the local electronics store” is far from alone.

Possibly due to its banning of overtly and explicitly sexual content, YouTube seems to have become a haven for non-nude “stripteases”, workout videos, and foot worshipping fetishists who’ll do almost anything to capture footage of the female foot in its natural state. Shooting women largely without their knowledge, the foot-fans of YouTube has created a communal archive of thousands upon thousands upon thousands of videos showing naked and barely-covered feet wriggling, twitching, rubbing against each other, and even just walking. Not being a foot fetishist myself, I don’t really understand why some folks seem to lust so feverishly after such a basically non-sexual body part, but for those that do, YouTube seems the place to be if you’re ok with the more mild variations on adult foot fetishism produced by users like kcknowsbest, blahfeet, and MsFootShow.

As always, if you want something a little more risque, why not head to Mr. Pink’s and find out if Hot Legs & Feet, Footsie Babes, or any of the other valuable foot-focused porn sites we’ve covered are worth your time and money. Although, I must say, if you’re dedicated a foot fetishist enough to be reading this blog, our higher-ranking sites will definitely put a smile on your dial.

Big Daddy Brings the Boys Out!

Big DaddyLately many top-notch Internet-based porn companies have been injecting their profits and savings into some rather exciting new ventures. Naughty America launched College Sugar Babes, Tonight’s Girlfriend, and MILF Sugar Babes and Evil Angel is putting ample time, energy, talent, and money into Voracious, an exclusive online feature directed by John Stagliano. When it comes to porn that swings the other way, however, there seems to be fairly little going on. Gay hardcore is, after all, an unfairly mistreated niche and this kind of neglect is usually par for the course. The only apparent exception to this unfortunate rule is Big Daddy, a network pimping itself as holding the “best gay porn in the world.” Oh yeah?

Big Daddy’s websites cover a ton of sub-genres, from scenes starting out as deep tissue massages to dishing out blowjobs on the 22 Local city bus route while other passengers stare ahead into the eternal void. Everything is hardcore as can be and will no doubt delight lovers of the male physical form, especially when the High Definition 720p video formats are viewed full-screen and the stellar views they provide start inducing salivation. The individual Big Daddy websites, though…? What are they all about? Hell, let’s find out!

Bareback Attack takes those stifling latex penis-sheaths and ditches them for the most completely naked assfucking you’ll find here at Big Daddy. Butter Loads is all about serving up the creamiest, juiciest facial deposits after a backroom interview with a prospective new performer. It’s amateur hour over at ExBF, the Big Daddy site that collects “the hottest pics to show off everyone’s boyfriend.” Ever ridden a dirty, sparsely populated city bus and felt like having your dick sucked by a hunky top guy? Project City Bus is for you then. Urban Invasion is one of the network’s racially oriented endeavors, this time thrusting “minorities” allegedly fuck like bunny rabbits; just don’t alert La Migra. For porn fans who need as much dick as possible in their smut, Sausage Party heats things up with a handful of male strippers and a large gathering of celebrating fellas looking for a really good, really memorable evening out partying! Think you’ve seen female pornstars take big dick? Well, those sluts have got nothing on the gaped-open bottoms who take on the thickest, longest black trouser-snakes in porn at It’s Gonna Hurt. Unglory hole has a woman and a male sausage-smoker hitting up local glory holes to fool straight dudes into having their loads sucked out by bona fide homos! Thug Hunter hits the ‘hood in search of studly brothers, getting his whiteboy fill of man-meat. Out in Public takes public exhibitionism to all new heights. Even Rub Him, which operates under the ‘massage porn’ umbrella, makes a very strong impression, thanks largely to the 720p HD videos available on all sites that here show the taut, toned masculine form in the finest possible fashion.

Now, don’t all those sites sound like winners? Well, what if I told you that most of these sites also update once-a-week and have ever-growing archives of high-res photos and awesome HD videos that look utterly fantastic, as good as the best A/V offerings from Bang Bros, the open and affirming pater familias of Big Daddy. Come on, gents. Tell me Big Daddy doesn’t sound like the rugged, masculine all-homo hardcore extravaganza for you, I dare ya!

Blow Me Up Again, Tom

Tom LykisAny heterosexual male living in Southern California is surely aware of Tom Leykis, the talk radio shock-jock who owned the airwaves of the Los Angeles basin for many, many years before his former employer, KLSX on 97.1 FM, decided to change formats and launch an obnoxiously persistent stream of the latest pop disasterpieces. Taking some well earned downtime (and how) in between gigs, Tom Leykis, also known to his students, “sons”, and devoted listeners as “The Professor” or simply “Dad”, has been quietly but confidently building his own self-governed media empire.

The New Normal is the moniker given by Leykis to his new studio, broadcast catalog, and radio brand, and while Leykis hasn’t ever really been known for holding “normal” stances on most subjects, instead letting his libertarian philosophies pound truth somewhat forcibly into the minds of his mostly male audience. Most exciting is Monday’s upcoming official launch of The New Normal’s flagship show. Unsurprisingly presented by The Professor of Poon himself, the master debater so sorely missed on the bullshit-clogged airwaves, The Tom Leykis Show aims to bring back all the things that made Leykis’ former FM broadcasts some of the most controversial in the States.

Taking advantage of the social networking revolution, Leykis and his crew have been blowing up Facebook, Twitter, and their official website of late, posting promos, test broadcasts, and offering subscriptions to The Tom Leykis Show’s inaugural year at The New Normal. ($9.99 gets you one month of archived shows; $99.99 buys a year.) Anyone with an Internet connection, however, can head to Leykis’ homepage, Blow Me Up Tom, and tune in every afternoon at 3.00pm PST for a daily dose of Leykis 101 (Tom’s guide to getting laid cheaply, efficiently, and without the possibility of complications), Ask the Athiest (Tom speaking against the idiocy and ignorance of the religious), Flash Friday (flash your headlights at hot women in traffic and maybe they’ll flash back), and a slew of highly anticipated new features that will no doubt create as much controversy for Leykis as his old antics did, if not more. This is, after all, Tom’s show and now that he, not some faceless corporate entity, holds the reins, we can expect things to be even more brutally honest, borderline misogynist, and (to femi-nazis) violently repulsive than before. The New Normal will have Tom refusing to pull punches and dishing up the real story behind everything that happened in his absence from the airwaves, and on into the future.

And hey, old fans who just want their Professor back to guide them through the muddy swamp that is manhood, fans who just want to be “taken out old school” can rejoice in the wisdom of their surrogate father, leader, teacher, master, Tom motherfucking Leykis!