An Ode to Rocco

rocco siffredi

I’m all torn up, you guys. Our hero, the Italian Stallion himself, the world’s pornstar, Rocco Siffredi has officially retired from performing. You’ll have to excuse this interruption to Mr. Pink’s regularly scheduled and styled blog posts, ’cause I’m just too emotional right now to write anything but, but…… poetry!

Years ago, an Italian lad
A young stallion, name of Rocco
In his mind’s eye, did shout “Egads!”
and his intuition follow
From one girl to four to fifteen, true
No number overwhelmed him
But Rocco, who will follow you
Now you’ve thrown the towel in

I fear that I am brokenhearted
Though I’m sure I will recover
Unlike the girls whose cheeks he parted
‘fore their faces he did cover
Longing to with him work again
Pro sluts cry out in pain
“Oh, Rocco, our dear Rocco
Porn will never be the same”

Personally, I must agree
The loss is ours, not yours
So I’ll reign in my jealousy
As your wife had done hers

I wish your kin no sadness
I wish your kin no grief
So let me now extend my hand
in congratulations to your wife
Rosa, the Rocco-thief

rocco siffredi review

Beating on a Budget! with DDF Network

ddf netowkr

Denys Defrancesco has, over more than twenty years, established himself as one of Europe’s preeminent pornographers and erotic artists. His online empire has grown too, with DDF Network now hosting 16 exclusive websites, each one dedicated to a slightly different take on Europorn. The sites tackle established genres like big-boobed women (DDF Busty), fellatio (Only Blowjob), and foot fetishism (Hot Legs & Feet), but also try out less defined areas of filmed sexual activity. Hands on Hardcore ramps up a typical sex scene until it’s seared into your memory forever. Hairy Twatter gives women who keep their pubic hair lush and lively a chance to grab the spotlight. Interactivity is the goal of DDF Adventures, and it’s helped along that path by DDF Live Sex, a parade of webcam performers. 1 By Day, House of Taboo, Euro Girls on Girls, Euro Teen Erotica, Sex Video Casting, Eve Angel Official, Cherry Jul, Sandy’s Fantasies, DDF VOD, and the aforementioned sites all combine to give DDF Network an enormous archive of stellar European porn that covers most pornographic bases, and does it in style.

Now discounted from its admittedly high price of $44.99 to only $33.99-a-month, a DDF Network membership should no longer be regarded as too expensive for the average porno fan.

With a network archive holding 13,240 scenes across 16 websites, DDF Network could be viewed as now charging only $2.12-per-month for each of its sites; or, taken on a scene-by-scene basis, each update costs an absolute pittance, only .0025¢! Any way you slice it, that makes DDF Network far more affordable than it usually is. And, with such a huge treasure chest of carnal entertainment on hand, it’s now a network almost impossible to resist.

DDF Network review

Benz vs Ann: Nikki on Top!

Lisa Ann vs Nikki Benz

Pornstar Twitter fights rarely escalate into actual altercations IRL but one little spat recently came surprisingly close. Although recently retired from adult, living legend Lisa Ann took to her Twitter account to toss a few snarky comments in the (barely disguised) direction of the one and only Nikki Benz. The resulting back-and-forth saw name-calling, accusations of illegal prostitution, drug references, and the incredible assertion that, now departed from adult, Lisa Ann has no friends in the industry. Although blows were swung by each woman, Benz was clearly down for a scrap and actually invited Ann to do just that. In response, Lisa Ann filed a restraining order in Los Angeles County that alleged she was receiving threats of violence both directly and indirectly made by Nikki Benz. Ever the fighter, the would-be Mayor of Toronto hit back hard, claiming Ann’s application was intended to deny Benz her right to free speech.

The Los Angeles Supreme Court ruled in favor of Benz, dismissing Ann’s restraining order application after Benz filed an motion. The court found Ann’s request was “not supported by the evidence” and that nothing posted to Twitter or said on stage at a January awards show was a sufficient, valid threat to Ann’s safety or security. The ruling comes after Ann claimed she was unable to attend awards ceremonies due to threats made by Benz and her supporters, yet she is a noted and provable attendee of the events in question. As numerous Benz supporters asked on her Twitter account: what the hell was Lisa Ann thinking?

LA Court rules in Benz's favor

Benz responded to the ruling with a press release, which reads as follows:

“I am thrilled that the Court has thrown out Lisa Ann’s frivolous case for supposed harassment against me. I intend to pursue her for all damages she has caused me as a result. Filing legal cases just to get in TMZ is just sad. A big thank you to all adult stars and industry people who showed me support on Twitter and in court. The overwhelming support is greatly appreciated.”

Now if we can only get them in the Brazzers House together…

I Like Big Butts and Science Knows Why!

jada stevens

From Queen’s ‘Fat Bottomed Girls’ to Sir Mix-a-Lot’s ‘Baby Got Back’ to Nicki Minaj’s ‘Anaconda’, people have been writing songs about women with large derrieres for decades, if not longer. Long assumed to be based purely on the increasing physical friction (and therefore pleasure) applied to a penetrating penis by the ample thighs and buttocks of a female with a thick rump, the male attraction to hefty behinds was so intriguing to graduate students of University of Texas at Arlington and Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey they launched a study to determine the root of this persistent attraction.

Male participants in the joint study were asked to view 300 silhouette images of different women with varying degrees of spinal curvature and asked to rank them by attractiveness. Results found that the men found a curvature of roughly 45º – that is, the buttock line angling down from the spine at 45º – more appealing than other angles, lending credence to the idea that it’s the very size of the ass that determines its appeal. Dr. David Lewis of Bilkent University called the study’s findings “an independent and previously undiscovered standard of attractiveness.” He explained that such spinal curvature would have “enabled ancestral women to shift their center of mass back over their hips during pregnancy, a time during which there is a dramatic forward shift of their center mass.” It’s not all aesthetics and carrying babies in comfort, though, as Dr. Lewis explained. “Ancestral women who possessed this degree of lumbar curvature would have been able to forage longer into pregnancy and would have been able to carry out multiple pregnancies with a reduced risk of spinal injury.”

big butts

So, next time you’re talking to a charming woman with a substantial behind and you feel like making a comment on its appeal, why not try “Excuse me, but how many offspring have you spawned and do you think you could handle another while finding me some snacks?” Go on, see how quickly she turns and shows your her amazing ass… as she leaves in disgust. Knowledge comes at a price, folks, especially in regards to sex.

Reality KingsReality Kings review