Netbox, Quickflix, Vidster?

VideoBoxUnless you’ve been living in an Amish Paradise for the last few months, you’re probably aware that Netflix has been alienating and frustrating its remaining customers with price hikes, service changes, elapsed licensing deals, and generally tumultuous and upsetting behavior. Now CEO Reed Hastings has announced a split that will result in Netflix ceasing DVD rentals to provide streaming video alone, with new off-shoot company Quickster handling all physical media. Customers are outraged.

Over at VideoBox, on of the most consistently well reviewed adult video sites on the ‘net, and surely one of, if not the largest, customers are also voicing their dissenting opinions. Having months ago launched a trial beta version of something called VideoBox 3.0 (or VB3), the massively popular site only recently made the official switch to the new format. Customers have called the new, feature-laden design both a commendable innovation and a reason to leave the site:

    – “Please, let me know when you are sunsetting VB2 in time to cancel my subscription.” – Jim

    – “I don’t like the VB3 interface as it gives me less control over the content. This whole transition seems pointless.” – jfro21

    – “What pisses me of the most is vb3 is so slow compared to vb2 and it is a hassle to download anything. vb3 seems geared more towards streaming than downloading.” – Nathan

    – “Love the improvements, don’t think I’ll need to go back to VB2 anymore.” – TDK

    – “Love it, VB2 what?” – Dante

    – “Bravo guys. Now we’re cookin… Lubrication manufacturers everywhere are cheering increased sales projections.” –  Shawn

So, after months and months of revisions, modifications, and adjustments, it seems VB3 is on the verge of being VideoBox members’ only browsing option. While some will petulantly throw in their membership cards for try to find a comparable alternative (not likely), I’m willing to bet most will stick around for this exciting new phase of VideoBox’s continued domination of the online video porn game. It seems Netflix (or is that Quickster) could learn a thing or two from porn providers, after all.

Paradise in Phuket

Asian-themed website (and recent review subject of Mr. Pink’s) Thai Girls Wild doesn’t just offer a plethora of videos and photo galleries starring adorable Thai girls who are definitely DTF, it also functions as a visual guide to Phuket, Pattaya, and Bangkok for the horny tourist. With half-a-dozen galleries devoted to Beach Life, City Life, Night Life, Funny Life, and girls in Random Poses, as well as Beer Bars & GoGo Bars. These galleries paint a lush, exotic picture of Thailand’s three major cities with sun-drenched beaches, bustling shopping districts, and a flamboyant and vibrant nightlife offering visitors the chance to indulge in their most elemental passions. Oh, yeah, and the girls seem extremely eager to please.

Even more detailed is the tour guide found at SheMax, a five-site network devoted to Thailand’s famous kathoey (male-to-female transgender) population, which gives a thorough breakdown, in both image and written form, of where to go, what to drink, how much to pay, and how to find the hottest and most accommodating trannies in all of Thailand. Of course, this particular resource is better suited to those who don’t mind a little dick with their chick, but after six or seven shots of Sang Som rum, who can tell the difference?


Beer at Creampie ThaisThis week’s edition of Mr. Pink’s Wacky, Strange, Bizarre, Curious, and often Downright Funny Porn Star name of the week brings you Beer! Beer? Yes. Beer.

While reviewing Creampie Thais one name stuck out among other notable names such as Eaw, Chompoo, Bli, Mew, Nuk and Visa. Beer! Ok, so all of these girls are Thai so I should have expected some curious names, but Beer? Gotta love it! It’s perfect. Most men love beer. Beer and women. Why not combine the two?

Beer is an amazing 18 year babe from Pattaya. Sporting seductive eyes, a delicious bubble butt, and a name you will never forget, Beer will not leave you with a bitter after-taste, room-emptying farts, and a massive hangover but she will leave you wanting more. There is one issue that will leave you crying in your Beer. Creampie Thais no longer updates. What a shame.

Mr. Pink’s salutes you Beer and your perfect porn star name. Keep on creamin’ and hopefully you will pop up in another site or two.

John Holmes is Risen!

Barwick's ExhibitUniversity of Iowa M.F.A. sculpture student Emily Moran Barwick has drawn inspiration from a rather unusual source for her recent exhibition at the school’s Eve Drewelowe Gallery: the erect penis of deceased porn legend John C. Holmes. After dying from AIDS related complications in 1988 at the age of 43, Holmes left behind a 2,000-title acting career and a reputation for having the biggest cock in the history of porn. Now with The John Holmes Prick Parade!!! Ms. Barwick is using replicas of a plaster cast of Holmes’ member that she first saw when working at a novelty store in Florida to create debate about, as she told the Iowa Press-Citizen, “body ownership and who owns the body and who is licensed to the body.”

Sending two dozen plaster penises to contributing artists as far from The Hawkeye State as Miami, Barwick then arranged and exhibited such pieces as the technologically-themed trio iCock, Cockberry, and Swiss Army Cock to gallery attendees. The exhibition, potentially offensive to some, is proudly supported by the university’s art department who arranged for the gallery doors to remain closed while the exhibition stood, and marked the entrance with a disclaimer, alerting prudes and neuters everywhere that their delicate sensibilities could be upset by the presence of twenty-four legendary dicks.

Although the exhibition has now closed to the public, interested readers can keep an eye on Barwick’s blog to see her latest exclamation point-laden efforts to encourage a dialog about body image, ownership, and commodification.
Or you can just look at the decorated dicks.